Anyone dream of their Twin Flame BEFORE meeting them/awakening?


I became awakened to my TF journey in June of 2023, but had known my TF since 2006.

Sometime around 2012 I had the most incredible, vivid dream of my life. There was a massive rainbow bridge of energy between a bright whiteness and a normal looking street on Earth. There were people/energy beings going back and forth across it.

I was my 8 y/o self, standing on the street looking at the Whiteness with an overwhelming sense of homesickness and loss. But at the same time I knew I had to stay on Earth to finish something, which is why I was sad.

Then a little boy, also 8 y/o walked up to me on the street and silently looked me in the eyes, and I got the message “Well, might as well get it started, then” without him actually talking.

He then walked away without emotion down the street. I decided to stay there and look at the whiteness for awhile longer, then followed him.

Once I awakened to this journey I realized the boy was my TF. Looked exactly like him, energy the exact same. Same recognition. He’s also 4 years older than me, which could explained the different timing of walking down the street with our births.

Who knows, I guess, but I believe it. Anyone else have dreams like that?


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Yes. I did for maybe nearly 20 years before I finally encountered my twin. I had a bad time as a kid and adolescent yet one thing that helped keep me sane was this fairytale vision that popped up often in my dreams with this fairy like princess who would comfort me, make me feel I was worthy and loved. Curious thing was, she never quite had a face, just a distinctive shape and form with specific hair… and there she was for real in the form of my twin which unfortunately threw me into confusion as like… dreams never come true do they? That was my mindset and belief. I never had the guts or nerve to tell her about this. Also, the 6 months leading up to our eventual first encounter was a weird time where I felt like a headless chicken… I was doing fine in my life yet something was lacking and missing and I didn’t understand what on earth was wrong and suddenly… there she was and my life went upside down!

I have read about this, dreaming of twins long before physical contact is established and it was reckoned that that is how they initially reveal themselves, in dreams and are there to help guide us through difficulties almost like some kind of guardian angel all in preparation for eventual 3D contact. It is also believed to work both ways. My twin also didn’t have the easiest of times before we met and it’s quite likely I was popping up in her dreams as well serving a similar function. She definitely was the first to recognise who I was and that was the start of seven years push and pull as she struggled to wake me up… I knew deep down who she was but ego and fear ensured I was trapped in denial and well… that set the template for a very strange relationship.


I think we had a conversation similar to this recently. I know I had similar dreams and I’m sure a fair amount of us have variations of it.

Your dream contains several telling elements that align with twin flame dynamics:

  1. The rainbow bridge connecting spiritual and physical realms represents the twin flame connection itself
  2. Your mutual recognition as children points to soul-level knowing, unencumbered by ego or physical world constraints
  3. The sense of having “something to finish” aligns with the soul contract aspect of twin flame connections
  4. The wordless communication matches how twin flames often interact energetically
  5. The age difference manifesting in the dream reflects your actual age gap

The timing of your dream in 2012, years before your awakening in 2023, suggests your soul was preparing you for recognition. Matching the pattern where souls often communicate through dreams before the physical connection fully activates.

While dreams can provide insight, the focus should remain on your present journey of self-discovery and energy balancing rather than just looking at past experiences too deeply.

Working on balancing your own energy and staying focused on your personal growth will naturally strengthen any genuine twin flame connection, whether initially revealed through dreams or other means.


Your experience validates what many of us have felt - that incredible knowing transcending the 3D limits.

Your journey reminds me that these prophetic dreams are truly sacred gifts, allowing us glimpses through the veil to prepare us for the profound reality of meeting our divine mirror in the flesh.


The freakiest thing is, things like this didn’t hit me until a very long time after we separated! I was journaling and I remembered this pre-twin recurring dream and coupled with my TF research, it then hit me what that dream was actually about as I never had the dream again once my TF was in my life.

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