Has anyone else felt a strange connection to their twin flame’s past partners?
I can’t shake this feeling that I somehow know or understand my twin’s ex, even though we’ve never met. It’s like there’s an invisible thread linking us, and I’m not sure if it’s just my imagination or if there’s something more to it.
Interesting. Certainly never heard of that before. My best guess would be if they were a soulmate or karmic; you’re able to sense the connection he has with them.
It’s not saying that they still have feelings for them. Not necessarily. But it just means you are aware of the spiritual bond that connected them in the past.
I actually felt more connected to my twin’s exes before we met, like we shared some karmic link. But now that we’re together, I find myself feeling oddly jealous and threatened by their past connections, even though I know that’s not logical.
I’ve definitely felt that strange connection to my twin’s exes, too. It’s like there’s an invisible thread linking us all together, even though we’ve never met.
Probably because we’ve all played roles in our twin’s journey and growth, I try to see it as part of the bigger picture of our twin flame connection.
I read something interesting today, that their karmics are usually versions of our older selves (the unhealed one still riddled with trauma behaviors/reactions) so that they can learn those lessons to prepare themselves for you in a hopeful later union.
I absolutely can say my exes resemble my TF’s unhealed version. I feel much more capable in handling the intense pain coming from his apparent complete lack of care/ narcissism/anger because my ex husband was all of those things. So I already understand how to identify those behaviors and know where they come from and how to handle them, which helps to cope.
So yeah, I do feel some kind of kinship with them. I do with his current GF, in fact.
It’s like you’re picking up on the energetic imprints they’ve left on your twin, giving you insights into parts of your twin’s past experiences that have indirectly influenced your shared path.
Spirit is showing us that every relationship, even past ones, can lead us to unexpected blessings and teach us to love in ways we never imagined possible.
You have to learn to heal all the wounds you have and we’re supposed to experience other people as part of that journey to complete the lessons our soul came here to learn.
Some of those lessons come through your twins understanding and they, in turn, learn it from others.
Our twin flame’s partner is often someone we’ve known before, maybe even in past lives. Sometimes, they were a close friend or family member. It’s wild, but I’ve had moments where I swear I recognized my twin’s partner from another time.
There’s this weird soul connection between all of us. It’s like we’re all part of some cosmic pattern that’s been going on for ages. I’ve even dreamed of seeing my twin and their partner together in a different era, and it felt so… familiar.
It’s not always easy to process, but I try to remember that we’re all on our own paths. Sometimes, I think my twin’s current relationship is teaching them something they need for our eventual union. I guess she’s saving me the work.
I recently stumbled upon an old photograph of my twins’ ex (tucked away in a dusty album), and what struck me was the sense of recognition in their eyes (a knowing glance that spoke volumes).
I couldn’t shake off the feeling that we shared a mutual understanding of our twins’ quirks and challenges (those little idiosyncrasies that only we really comprehend). It’s like we both navigated the same emotional landscape (highs and lows), forming an unspoken bond through these shared experiences (a silent connection born from similar trials).
It makes sense that we are probably a lot alike in their karmics on some level. I mean something is wrong with that connection but he was attracted to you both.