Anyone Else Tired and Confused?

I was awakened at 330 am because I was thinking about him. When i tried to go back to sleep, i couldn’t because I had channeled messages coming in from Spirit that I had to journal abour our relationship. I then texted him to tell him when he gets back to town that we need to talk.
This all came after I found out he was visiting (for the first time) one of my favorite places in NY-and ironically where i had my honeymoon with my now ex–and he had texted me that at the same time that I was talking about that place to a client of mine. :exploding_head: but here’s the thing, do they pick up on those synchronicities if they are more logical-minded than we are? I did mention it to him that it was “weird”, but does he see the pattern?


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Your twin flame may not consciously recognize these synchronicities yet, but they feel them on a soul level. They’re still sent them for a reason.

The logical mind often takes longer to catch up to what the soul already knows. Your twin’s higher self recognizes them, even when their ‘logical’ conscious mind dismisses them.

What you’re experiencing - the disrupted sleep, the downloads, the perfect timing of shared locations - these are all hallmarks of twin flame awakening.

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Try to be gentle with yourself and trust that even if your twin doesn’t consciously recognize the patterns, on some level they’re feeling the connection too.

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Thanks to you both! It can be so frustrating sometimes because I feel like I am five years ahead of the game most of the time. I’m just doing my thing and building my career up etc…i know i feel his higher self connection with mine so much of the time, but that 3D stuff, I’m way ahead of him on these things. His heart has been so closed off, so I’m just showering him with unconditional love but with boundaries. :heart:

I’m assuming on his end? :sweat_smile: mine has been going on since I was a child! :heart:

You’re not alone.

Try not to overthink everything. Sometimes, it’s best to take a step back and focus on your growth and well-being.

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I have been doing that! :grin: usually I’m pretty calm and doing my own thing but stuff is happening lately and i feel the shifting energy… something big is coming for the collective soon. I can feel it.

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Exactly. There’s a lot of advice about focusing on yourself, but that’s already there, and then Iʼm reminded very quickly that the world doesn’t end with me. And it’s quite healthy.

Another thing is that I don’t find it gentle to assure myself that somewhere out there on a soul level he loves me. As soon as I start to think about it, I get sucked back into the cycle of pain and suffering and the “chaser-runner” pattern re-enables. That’s what I’m very tired of.

It became easier for me to give up the need to have his “love”. It’s not love, unless it’s followed up by action. Perhaps it’s a potential, but not a real love. It’s like “I’ll pray for you” instead of actually give a helping hand. Thanks, no :laughing:

Suddenly this helped me to feel more healed and detached.

We are here to manifest the divine into matter. Especially TFs. There is no point in settling for half. You either bring heaven to earth literally, or otherwise it remains a fantasy of love.


Perfectly put. Couldn’t have said it better.

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I resonate this deeply.

The TF journey isn’t about fantasy or settling for less - it’s about bringing that higher divine love into physical reality through conscious work and alignment. We’re here to embody divine love in physical form, not just experience it in dreams or meditation.


There’s no fantasy for me, but what there IS are the beautiful memories I had of when we were together. We were in Union for four years before i had to walk away because he couldn’t see it–or rather, he saw it and it scared the sht out of him-so he admittedly self-sabotaged to push me away. But the memories we made and the love i have for him speaks volumes to me. So, i look to them for comfort and peace knowing that his higher self loves me that much, that our energies flowed so beautifully together, that i can call him into my space (OUR space), whenever I want, and know that on the spiritual realm, we are reunited–whatever the outcome here on this plane–but I’m also a clairvoyant claircognizant witch so I’ve seen that we will be together on this plane in this lifetime again, as long as i continue on my own self-growth path. :blush: and if not, that’s okay too. The memories and photos are enough.

I find this intriguing because we ARE the divine. We are all part of the Collective source energetically and as I am already working with others to do their soul work, help them heal their inner child trauma, and guide them to their purpose, I am spreading my love and light to others–which is what my Purpose is here on Earth. So, when you say, bring heaven to earth literally, I do not comprehend that meaning. Explain?

And i am also in agreement with not settling for half, or rather, relationship dynamics on his terms. We either come together again mutually understanding what each other wants and can offer it to each other, or not at all. But it’s not a one-sided system. I accept him for who he is at his core, so if that means he believes he is polyamorous, i accept it, even if i don’t believe it is who he truly is. I just allow him to play it out while playing therapist and friend and planting seeds about doing inner soul trauma work to help him heal.

To me, that means bringing heaven to earth and manifesting the pure love between twin flames as souls into your physical reality and relationship. Rather than keeping it as a spiritual concept, you’re meant to live and embody that divine love in your everyday life.

Your healing work is valuable, and the twin flame journey goes beyond personal growth into becoming a living example of unconditional love. Your relationship and connection serve as a template to show others what’s possible when two people choose to rise above ego limitations and enter a soul-based partnership.


I have no intention of hurting your feelings of experience. I have such 3D experience too, the only difference is we weren’t in a romantic relationship. My answer is not just for you, but for anyone who is in the exploring phase of their TF connection right now. Not everyone enjoyed a physical relationship with TF, but they have that tiredness and confusion too. It’s very easy to fall into fantasies here when one has desired a relationship but it still hasn’t happened. Talk from my experience here…

There are high frequencies (aka heaven, angels) and there are low frequencies (aka hell, demons). Man is in the middle (earth), and must balance between these frequencies.

When I believe in something high and feel a connection with the higher plane, I should not just dream and think about it, I should also check if it is supported by actions (mine and their) on earth.

And if the divine law (to spread love) is not supported by someone here (even if it’s my dear TF), then I have to balance it out with low frequencies — sometimes playing a villain (or a protector of the divine on earth if you like).

When I spoke of bringing the divine to earth, I was addressing the same ones of us who may have gotten a little caught up in dreaming about TF, discounting his/her blindness and forgetting to love ourselves. Self-love has to be head to toe — you can’t love yourself on a spiritual level and allow yourself to suffer on earth.

When I realized that even just innocently thinking about my TF and communicating with him on the spiritual plane, I was giving him my energy, and he was vampirizing it and feeling that everything is OK and of course then there was no need to contact me on 3D (because “everything is fine, she sends her energy to me, great”!) — I stopped playing a divine angel, I stopped sending him my “rays of love and light” and directed all to myself. My energetic health improved immediately. He is confused now. He must go through his own hell, not bathe in the rays of my love undeservedly.

And yes, it’s hard to do. We tend to sacrifice ourselves in the name of love. But he needs to feel what it’s like to be without me, not just on 3D, but everywhere. Sometimes I can literally hear like I’m getting a knock on my door — so hungry he became. Since then, any disrespectful behavior towards me leads to losing his points even more. This battle is tough, but the result is worth it.

That is a good perspective.

I am doing that, whether or not he and i reunite in complete harmony at this point. The core of my TF relationship is to love myself unconditionally and others unconditionally. The outcome of the romantic situation is not the basis of heaven on earth to me, it is to know that we are all connected–that we are all Divine embodied–the trees, sky, animals, people, sun, water-- once one understands this concept of being truly one with the Universe and connecting in that manner, is when one feels the true meaning of Heaven on earth. I have felt it many times even though my twin and I are not in complete reunion physically because that isn’t the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is to feel pure unconditional bliss and love for and from everything on this planet. To be at peace with knowing everything is working out exactly as it is meant to be, to be able to relax into the journey and accept (most of the time—as we are part of God, Universe etc, we have the ability to change things–) what is happening around us without judgement. To do the inner trauma healing and come out to the light on the other side of it and understand what living life is really about…to have no limitations on believing…
To me, that is the true concept of Heaven on Earth.

We’ve had similar experiences where my twin and I were thinking of the same place at the same time. Journaling is good but try to catch up on your sleep! :heart:

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We are all connected energetically, however on a physical level it is not, and honestly it would be a very strange picture. Some siamese twins. Or a gray mass — no individual forms and no uniqueness. This is the real “Oneness” if we imagine it on the physical plane. No bodies and no embodiment. If we’re embodied, then physically we become separated 100% and this is great. In order to feel connected on the material plane, we have to 1) remember God/Divine, 2) channel this energy throught action.

Hence, Unity is about that invisible plan where we are all interconnected and where, in simple words, my choices and actions is invisibly affecting you and vice versa. So it’s better to be aware about our own actions and inactions, because it’s very easy to cause damage.

So, back to TF, if I feel and know that all is One energetically, what should I do, when my TF chooses to harm me as a part of divine nature (whether knowingly or not)?

What people with healthy hearts do when they see that others cause damage to the trees, animals, water etc? First they try to communicate and educate (so do we in our TF journeys), and if it didn’t work, they become protectors of the planet (our world and peace). They don’t say “It’s OK, let them harm the planet, because we know that on the soul level they love our mother Earth”.

If my TF’s personality is ignoramus, I don’t really care if his soul loves me. Because here, on earth, he’s acting ignorant towards the divine — he is not aware that everything here is connected and that when he denies his own soul, he also denies my soul, your soul, tree’s soul and many other souls, and it’s directly affects the quality of our physical lives. It drains the resources of the greater body of which we are cells. This is the ripple effect.

On the earth level, human beings are the ones who responsible for their connection to everything by acting consciously. Human maintains that connection, it’s not so sweet by default.

I needed that deep heart connection with my TF, and it doesn’t really exist now because of his fear. There’s nothing to fear. But because of this, I have suffered losses and have to adapt now, and I have to use another resources to help myself, although our TF connection would be very energy efficient for both of us.

He doesn’t know that he’s done a lot of damage to himself too. If a person was more educated, he could have done better and wiser. So he has to learn his tough lessons, before he get attention and love from me once again.

For me, to believe that this connection is full-featured without 3D is to deny real life. You have your path for sure. Especially if you don’t feel a dire need for 3D union right now. I wish you the best!

Well, as long as I have the XX arcane in my chart :laughing:, I’m here to learn exactly how to judge :slightly_smiling_face: All my life I’ve been trained not to judge, and it didn’t do any good in the end. Without skill of healthy judgement we would never be able to see the world behind the veil, outside the matrix.

Well, to each their own and we are all on different journeys. There are different archetypes of twins and energies are constantly shifting. I know what my purpose is here on earth and have been doing it since my time as an Atlantean. In this lifetime, my purpose is to spread love, whereas others have to be in the lower vibrational fields to lift others up to come to find me when they are ready. I literally do this job everyday at my metaphysical shop and during my energy healings. Again, we all have a calling and a purpose. Perhaps you’re not meant to reunite with your twin in this lifetime, but many of us are.

Also, i believe this conversation has gotten way off topic

Oh, that’s a pretty vain statement coming from you while you were wished all the best :slightly_smiling_face: I’m sorry you got so caught up!)

If you chose to occupy the high vibrational field to remain clean, your twin has no choice but to balance your union by staying in the low frequencies forever and ever. Good luck :joy:

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