Birth Chart Indicators for Twin Flames

I’ve been diving deep into astrology lately, and I’m super curious about how much birth charts might give us confirmation or advice on what we actually need to do for reunion. They’re a little complicated to read, though; how do we know what to actually look at?


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

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Hey there! :sparkles: I am a big fan of astrology so mixing birth charts and twin flames was a no brainer.

The first thing to look at is the synastry between charts, which can offer some interesting insights. Look for overlaps and even differences can help show us where the work needs to be done but at the end of the day, trust your intuition over any astrological “rules” - your heart knows the truth of your journey. :heart:


I like birth charts in the broader context to help us understand how your path unfolds from a Birds Eye view. It can help give you a plan and a bit more understanding (never hurts).

That said I still like to use guidance like the Tarot or forecasts for the more day-to-day stuff.

Looking at Venus and Mars placements in both charts can give some cool insights into the twin flame connection. They seem to have the biggest weighting…

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I noticed this but I’m not entirely sure why. Astrology or synastry isn’t really my area so Venus and Mars probably have a depth I don’t understand.

I think they represent DM and DF energy maybe?

While synastry charts can reveal fascinating connections between two people, they’re limited to our current physical timeline and 3D existence since they’re calculated using this lifetime’s birth data. Twin flame connections, however, are multidimensional – spanning across multiple timelines, past/future lives, and even different star systems.

They can help this lifetime but not in the bigger picture.

The synastry between charts may show strong connections, particularly through the North Node, Venus, and Pluto aspects. Birth charts can illuminate growth areas and karmic lessons, but they’re just one tool among several.

You may notice certain patterns in your synastry and composite charts.

  • Strong connections between your Sun, Moon, or Ascendant
  • Prominent Vertex alignments
  • Intense Pluto aspects, especially to personal planets
  • North Node conjunctions or oppositions

These cosmic fingerprints can sometimes reflect the deep soul recognition you feel with your twin. However, don’t get too caught up in ticking boxes. The true nature of your connection lies in the transformative journey you share, the mirror-like reflections you see in each other, and the inexplicable pull you feel despite any challenges.

I would look for the difficulties in your placements because it will highlight the areas you need to work on. It becomes a map of how your separation will go.

When I got ours it wasn’t necessarily the planetary configurations themselves but how they mirrored the highs and lows we had taken together. Challenging Mars aspects, for instance, didn’t just elucidate our heated discussions; they also shed light on the underlying passion that continually draws us together.

In my case, it was studying our composite in Human Design that gave me the most hints and answers. Aspects of our rave charts are intertwining and overlapping, creating many electromagnetic channels (attraction & repulsion). In terms of Hologenetic, we literally affect each other on all fronts: personality, body, relationships, social fulfillment. We trigger each other’s traumas. As a practitioner with a lot of experience, I never saw someone like this before around me.

And sure, these numbers and charts would have no meaning without the initial soul response. I waited a while before looking at his chart, so as not to be conditioned immediately.

For us it was the moon placements and the conjunction there were other possible indicators on the chart but this was the first thing I saw that made me just know.

The challenging aspects in our birth charts can illuminate the energetic blockages we need to address, but these challenges are not obstacles, but opportunities for growth and healing. Working through them strengthens the energetic cord connecting us to our twin, allowing for a flow of divine energy between us.

Venus represents love, beauty, and harmony, while Mars embodies passion, desire, and action.

In synastry, these planets can indicate the feminine and masculine energies between partners, though it’s not always a strict DM/DF correlation. Their aspects can reveal how you express affection, what you’re attracted to, and how you pursue relationships.

Strong Venus-Mars connections often indicate sexual chemistry and romantic compatibility.