It’s a tricky one because it really depends on what you mean by ‘just be platonic’ and (if that wasn’t enough) you might also find that some people believe different things here.
I can tell you what I believe and what most people believe about twin flames.
In a single lifetime, it’s possible that you only get as far as a platonic friendship. This time around (this lifetime), that might be exactly what happens and as far as it goes.
But most of us (myself included) wouldn’t consider that the ‘end game’ for twin flames. This kind of energy is too strong to not go further.
I’m not saying this is 100% fact (run away from anyone who claims esoteric knowledge they can’t possible know for fact) but if this is the case, a strong friendship that pushes you both forward is most likely a soulmate instead.
Either way, it sounds like a great position to be in.
You don’t need to be romantic or physical right away, and in the short term, I think twin flames can absolutely be platonic friends… but it doesn’t last like that. Either the energy continues to manifest as more or this isn’t your real twin.
A soulmate (not a twin) can have a deep spiritual connection that’s just as powerful and transformative as a romantic one. It’s NOT THE SAME THING (and I think it is good to be clear about that) but that doesn’t mean it’s not an important connection. Soulmates can not only be life changing but they can go a long way to help prepare you for your actual TF union.
Forget the Hollywood idea of soulmate. A soulmate can be a friend and platonic relationship, and you’re incredibly lucky to have one in your life.
I think a true twin flame connection goes way deeper than just feeling a strong bond or having some psychic moments.
It’s more about the intense personal growth and transformation that comes from the relationship. If you’re not facing your deepest fears, confronting your shadows, or experiencing some kind of spiritual shake-up because of this person, they might not be your twin flame.
It’s not always comfortable, but a twin flame should challenge you to become a better version of yourself. If you’re moving along without any significant internal shifts or self-reflection, it might be worth reconsidering if this is a twin flame connection or just a close friendship.
There’s nothing wrong with that. In some ways this would be a lot easier. But I’d struggle to see this as a twin flame journey.
Twin flames will default to romantic just because it’s the only way we know how to reconcile that kind of energy in the 3D. Focusing on whether a twin flame connection should be platonic or romantic misses the deeper purpose of these soul connections.
Twin flame connections work through whatever form best serves both souls’ growth in that moment.
The labels we try to put on these connections - whether platonic, romantic, or otherwise - are human constructs that don’t fully encompass the spiritual nature of the bond.
Can’t remember where I read it, but some twin flames end up just being friends… when (for whatever reason) they’ve failed to reached union in this lifetime.
My twin and I, we got other third party people in our lives, but we still feel that pull, you know? It can be a hard situation to navigate so sometimes ‘friends’ is the best you can do for now. We don’t stress about getting together physically - maybe it’ll happen, but that’s not the point for us. It’s more about tapping into that higher energy and following where it leads us.
Like that song goes, “I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes, love is all around me,”
There are other connections, not just twin flames. Usually, when we talk about this kind of thing, it sounds like a soulmate, as others have said.
There’s something special about the bonds between family members, too. Mothers and children, or siblings, often report telepathic abilities with each other. These profound connections exist, but does that necessarily mean they’re twin flames?
I think twin flames are the most important connection we can experience. We can form deep, inexplicable bonds with various people. Isn’t the universe possibly offering us multiple soulful connections, each serving a unique purpose in our growth?
I once encountered someone who resonated with me like a twin flame, minus the romantic attraction. Our relationship is a constant challenge, akin to spiritual sparring partners pushing each other to grow and evolve. This unique connection has blossomed into one of the most fulfilling friendships I’ve ever experienced.