Can You Feel Your Twin Flames Emotions?

Yes, twin flames often sense each other’s emotional states during separation.

At least, they have the ability to. They’re not always consciously aware of it (and that seems to be especially a problem for the runner)

Though this connection varies in intensity and clarity, the bond works through a telepathic link that goes far beyond physical proximity—like two instruments tuned to the same frequency.

You might suddenly feel waves of sadness, joy, or anxiety that don’t match your current situation and experience physical sensations that mirror what your twin is going through.

Your ability to sense their emotions (or experience them as if they were your own) strengthens as you both further your spiritual path. You share the same chakra system and energetic blueprint, so major emotional shifts and life events will reverberate for both of you.

Figuring out which emotions belong to you versus your twin takes practice and self-awareness. Usually, the more spiritually aware twin is able to figure it out first. Usually, when we’re not able to spot them directly we’ll see some fairly specific syncs that will try to point us toward their emotion.

This usually happens when your twin is intentionally trying to reach out to you with their emotions.

The depth of emotional connection depends on how open both people are to receiving these energetic signals. If one person is strongly resistant or in denial about the connection, the emotional transmission may feel muted or blocked.

Usually, this means more sporadic thoughts and emotions are coming through.

This doesn’t mean the connection is broken—rather, it’s a natural part of the growth process, during which both individuals learn to balance their energetic boundaries while maintaining their unique bond.

The key is to acknowledge these shared emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them or trying to control your twin’s experience.


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

This resonates so much with me. Sometimes their emotions feel so clear and sometimes they feel sort of… dulled. The more I do my spiritual work, the clearer I feel him.


I think in the earlier stages (like when separation first starts), the chaser notices it more because they are more open to the spiritual side. The runner doesn’t seem to be consciously aware of this (at least in my case).

The further along you go, the more aware they seem to be. It wasn’t too long before she started to notice this, too, because she would reach out more when I was going through something.

Even knowing we have that bond helps.

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When I first started feeling this, I read this. I wanted to prevent them from feeling my emotions because they would respond and I would be overwhelmed. It would create an endless loop of intense emotions flowing between us.

I’ve felt my twin’s emotions at times, but it’s not always clear or consistent.

Sometimes, I suddenly feel sad or anxious for no apparent reason and later find out they were going through something difficult. It can make day-to-day life difficult.

It can be confusing to sort out which feelings are mine or theirs. Sometimes, the ones that just catch me out of the blue are clearly from him. Sometimes, it all seems to blur together.

Does anyone else feel like they get hit with a sudden wave sometimes?

When I feel intense emotions that don’t match my situation, that’s when I know they are from him. This also works both ways, so be mindful of what you’re putting out there because they’re going to feel it.

I feel my DM’s vibes 24/7, esp when they’re in their feels. Like, yesterday I got hit with this random wave of excitement outta nowhere - turns out they got a promotion!

The emotional connection often becomes more refined as both twins progress on their spiritual paths. What starts as confusing waves of emotion typically evolves into clearer, more specific awareness.

My twin text me after I was crying just asking “what’s up?”. I hadn’t said anything… he just knew.

Sometimes I’m more sensitive to their energy, or they are more sensitive to mine. The bigger the extreme of emotion is more noticeable too.