Cannabis and Twin Flame Bond: My Personal Experience

Lately, I’ve noticed that when I smoke weed, I feel this intense connection to my twin. It’s like I can sense his thoughts and emotions more clearly, almost as if we’re sharing the same headspace. I’m not sure if it’s just the herb enhancing my intuition or if there’s something more to it, but the synchronicities seem to increase when I’m in that altered state.

Has anyone else experienced this heightened connection with their twin while under the influence, or am I just reading too much into it?

Maybe I’m just stoned, and it’s all in my head but I do think that it helps open up our creativity and understanding of some things when I smoke certain strains.


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Oh, I do enjoy… this topic.

Cannabis can temporarily heighten sensitivity and perception, which may make you more aware of the natural energetic connection that already exists between twin flames.

However, relying on substances to maintain or enhance this connection isn’t recommended long-term.

When you smoke, you’re likely lowering some of your natural energetic boundaries and defense mechanisms. This can make you more receptive to the telepathic and emotional link you share with your twin. The synchronicities you’re noticing are valid - they’re probably always there, but the altered state is making you more aware of them.

That said, depending on substances to access this connection can create issues:

  • It may mask underlying blocks that need addressing
  • It could become a crutch rather than developing natural spiritual abilities
  • The connection might feel unstable when sober
  • Your energy field becomes more vulnerable to negative influences

As with most things, this is probably fine in moderation (I’m not a doctor) but don’t overdo it.


I do think some strains might be a fantastic tool for those who are comfortable with it but I think it does need to be used carefully.

This… this would be my concern.

When I studied Astral Projection many, many years ago, I read about people who developed a dependency on certain types of incense or external triggers to be able to experience an OBE.

Some strains (like Rainbow Kush, in my experience) are perfect for furthering your spiritual journey, but there’s absolutely a possibility of making things worse or harder.

I think you should be honest with yourself about how and why you’re using it.

Personally it helps me see beyond my default bias and ego sometimes. Especially if I smoke when journaling, it helps things just… click. Not to mention I feel a better flow of remote communication when we’re not physically talking.

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Disclaimer: I have smoked weed both with my twin and during separation a long time ago. I think there’s a time and a place for sensible use but I’d be wary of suggesting it for everyone.

While cannabis can create feelings of heightened awareness and connection, it’s important to understand that true twin flame energy work happens through balanced, clear consciousness.

What you’re experiencing may be your fear-based energy getting a temporary rush or “fix” from the altered state, similar to how it feeds on thoughts and emotions about your twin flame. Rather than relying on external substances to feel connected, focus on naturally aligning with your soul energy through present awareness and balanced energy work.

The sensations you describe - feeling more intuitive and noticing increased synchronicities - are actually common effects of cannabis itself rather than a deeper twin flame connection.

While it may feel spiritually meaningful at the moment, using substances can mask the authentic soul work needed for genuine twin flame alignment.

Yeah, weed can definitely help with that twin flame connection sometimes. It’s like it temporarily clears out the mental clutter, you know? But it’s not a long-term solution.

Eventually, you might find yourself wanting a deeper, more authentic connection without relying on anything external. It’s strange, but as you progress on this journey, you might even start to lose interest in weed altogether. I’ve noticed that if I overdo it now, it actually makes me feel kinda disconnected and off-balance. It’s like your body and soul start craving that pure, unfiltered connection instead.

This is spot on. I’ve noticed similar effects with meditation and even certain types of music. It’s like these things can act as a magnifying glass for the already there connection.

But here’s the kicker - and I can’t stress this enough - we gotta be careful not to rely on external stuff too much. The real goal should be cultivating that awareness in our everyday, sober state. It’s like training a muscle, you know? The more we practice tuning into that twin flame frequency without aids, the stronger that natural connection becomes.

Just food for thought from someone who’s been down this road. Take it or leave it, but that’s my take on the matter.

Different strains will work for people differently.

And when it comes to astral projection, it’s important to clarify that developing a dependency on external triggers isn’t always negative. Some practitioners intentionally use specific scents or sounds as anchors to facilitate their experiences. Just use these tools mindfully, rather than becoming overly reliant on them.

Regarding the connection between cannabis use and twin flame experiences, correlation doesn’t always imply causation. The heightened sense of connection you’re feeling might be due to the relaxation effects of cannabis rather than a direct enhancement of your twin flame bond. While cannabis can certainly aid in introspection and potentially help with journaling, it’s important to approach its use with caution and mindfulness, especially in the context of spiritual practices.

Whilst I have full respect for everybody’s views, my own feelings based on mine and my twin’s experiences is that cannabis use is NOT a great idea. Yes, it can heighten one’s feelings and perceptions but I don’t think it’s healthy as it intrudes upon the spiritual side and can cause one to misread signs. I see cannabis, drugs and alcohol as “running” and adds considerably to the push and pull dynamic and worse, can become a crutch to lean on when things get tough. I know - been there and paid the price. Each of us would go on benders which would ultimately cause more problems and imbalance… my twin chose alcohol whilst I chose weed and it was our way of coping with the pain and confusion we felt. This prevented the pair of us from confronting and dealing with our inner pain head on. As hard as the twin flame journey truly is, I feel it is best to stay as sober as possible as that way, sure, it may be more terrifying to deal with the fears but they’re what need to be dealt with and you’ll only gain maximal results when sober.

I also feel this applies to legal meds - anti-depressives. I was on those on and off and great… they numbed my feelings to the degree I could no longer feel any pain. Unfortunately, I could never feel any joy either… they basically lobotomised access to my inner feelings and as I could not access those, well, you need not guess how that made my twin feel as they had to deal with me being like a cold, emotionless brick wall and the mirroring effect sent them to the nearest bottle of booze to drown out their pain at the state I was in, whilst I’d take the meds to drown out my pain at the state they’d get in. We fell into a trap… sure, we were young, in our 20’s but had we not been running to escape our pains and instead confronted and worked with our feelings, I think life would have been very different.

Probably not views some of you will like but it wasn’t until I finally sobered up, began living a drug, drink and med free life was I able to start making progress with my own life and allow the twin flame awakening and magic to finally happen. And I don’t deny there are days when it gets so intense I wish I could smoke, drink or neck a pill but I refuse to succumb. There’s no gain without pain.


Thank you for sharing your powerful experience and insights! Your journey of sobriety and self-reflection is truly inspiring. I completely agree that relying on substances can hinder our spiritual growth and authentic connection with our twin flame. It’s so important to face our inner pain and fears head-on, no matter how challenging it may be.

It takes immense courage to break free from those coping mechanisms, but as you’ve shown, the rewards are worth it.


During my journey, my TF introduced me to the ethereal aspects of cannabis.

At first, it felt like a shared spiritual exploration, but as our paths diverged, I realized it had become his refuge from inner turmoil. Now, in the depths of separation, I cannot partake by myself. Partly because I don’t really have access to it and it would just make me miss him more.

I don’t know if it would really help us communicate through the 5D. Maybe I should try.

I found that partaking in some… herbal refreshment during my separation and awakening phases intensified the twin flame experience. The sensations and emotions were much more powerful - it was like my consciousness expanded to embrace the connection fully.

Have you ever felt your awareness stretch beyond normal limits?

The awakening phase, while in an altered state, was absolutely mind-blowing. I’m grateful I got to experience it that way. It’s like all my senses were heightened, and I could perceive things on a whole new level.

I’ve noticed it’s easier to tap into that telepathic link with my twin when I’m in a relaxed, elevated headspace. Sometimes, we’ll have these full-on mental conversations before I realize what’s happening. Then it’s like a sudden stop when I become aware of it, and the connection cuts off.

My DM also introduced me to cannabis when we were together. I’m sometimes too scared to even try alcohol or coffee, but this was different. I think it does have the potential to help on a spiritual level but it would be hard to tell if we were really connected or I just felt that way because of the drug.

I don’t know if it’s a spiritual purpose, but my own TF and I certainly smoke together. I would say we seem to bounce off each others energies more.

I tried meditating while high!! It was absolutely mind-blowing!! I was trying to connect with my twin, but it turned into this incredible journey of self-discovery! I could see all my vulnerabilities and strengths so clearly!

This experience has been so incredibly valuable for understanding my twin connection and my personal growth.

As I practiced lucid dreaming, I noticed a similar heightened connection with my twin during dreams. When I used cannabis, the altered state seemed to blur the line between dream and reality.

I think for most things I would say I was just stoned but TFs already cross this blurry line constantly between the physical and spiritual so who knows if it helps or not.

I’m not saying it’s a sync.


There is a strain of weed called twin flames. I’m not opposed to that.

Hey, there’s also the Carl Jung wine too. :wink:

Leave it to the marketing gurus to come up with the craziest stuff! :rofl:

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