Crying When You Have Sex With Someone Else?

I have never dated or been intimate with my TF, nor have we ever met in real life as I’m not single and, if I’m being brutally honest, I know i’d have a hard time holdng back or controlling myself if we met, something my TF has also said he’d find difficult.

However, since discovering my TF connection, whenever I have sex with my long term partner I feel immensely sad and often end up silently crying in the bathroom after the deed is done… In a way it kinda feels like I’m cheating on my TF, which is absolutely ridiculous as I’ve been with my partner for years. Regardless, I can’t seem to control the crying, even when I’m in a good mood or turned on by my partner, and I don’t even need to be thinking about my TF, it’s like my body or soul feels immensely sad that it’s not my Twin and the tears start flowing.

Is this another symptom of the Twin Flame experience, or am I just losing the damn plot? Feel free to share your experience, especially those of you who are/were in long term relationships when you encountered your TF, it would help me feel less alone in this harrowing journey.

When I saw this… I felt like it hit me a little. I’ve been there, it’s a difficult situation.

Some of us experience deep sadness or even cry during intimacy when it’s not with our Twin Flame (TF). Many shared that, despite having loving relationships or even being married, there’s this overwhelming feeling of disconnect… or even guilt, like they’re somehow cheating on their TF.

It’s so interesting how this all ties into the broader TF journey, where many of us are learning that it’s not just about finding that perfect other half but understanding that you don’t need anyone but yourself.

Your experience echoes Rainer Maria Rilke’s notion that “love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other,” revealing the challenge of longing for a connection that transcends physical presence.

As Elizabeth Gilbert writes in “Eat, Pray, Love,” sometimes we must “give up trying to explain ourselves” to fully embrace the chaos and beauty of our emotions.

Chaos and beauty. I love that.