Dealing with Period Mood Swings in Separation

Ok, let’s be real, girls… Hormones are NOT separation’s best friend !!

Am I the only one that crashes down once almost every month ? Like, the day before my periods, my emotions get so overwhelming I feel like I go back months of inner work suddenly and crash down crying hours long because I miss my twin and can’t figure out how to keep living with a soul split in half. It’s like my inner peace suddenly disappear in despair and crying is the only thing I’m able to do. And it’s draining all my energies out, living me with a very difficult day energy wise.

Do any of you go through this as well ?

And, do you have tricks ?
Do you feel that hormonal period coming ?
Can you distinguish between TF feelings and hormonal feelings ?
Are you able to manage them on the spot ?
How does it make you feel, in regards to your journey ?

Please share !
Let’s be hormonal women together.

Note to self : I’m so tired today, and missing my twin is making me so sad. :crossed_fingers:t2: communication is around the corner. Patience, patience, patience. You got this. Ugh.


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My DM and I sync up during my cycle - the emotional intensity feels heightened, but I’ve learned to channel it into creative projects or self-care rituals to navigate the challenging period.

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Oof, girl, I feel you - those hormonal ups and downs during separation are no joke! hugs

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During those times, I focus on balancing my root and sacral chakras through meditation and gentle yoga to help stabilize my emotions. Cleaning your aura with sage or palo santo is also helpful in releasing any built-up energies.

The intense feelings are temporary - breathe through them and know they’re part of the DF journey. :heart:

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I completely relate to those overwhelming emotions before your period - it’s like all the progress I’ve made suddenly evaporates and I’m back to square one, crying over my twin flame and feeling utterly lost.

For me, tracking my cycle and practicing extra self-care in the days leading up to my period has been very helpful. While it’s still a struggle sometimes, acknowledging these hormonal swings as a natural part of my journey, rather than fighting against them, allows me to move through them with a bit more grace and compassion for myself.

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Ugh, I feel you on those hormonal ups and downs during separation! It’s like my emotions get cranked up to 11 and I’m a total mess for days. Meditation help me ride out the storm, but sometimes I just have to let myself cry it out and remember this intensity will pass.

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OMG girl, I feel you 100%! TBH, my periods during separation are like emotional ups and downs on steroids lol. What helps me is tracking my cycle and doing extra self-care (bubble baths FTW!) when I know PMS is coming. It’s super important to remind yourself that these intense feels are temporary and not necessarily TF-related. Sending you virtual hugs and chocolate, sis - we’ve got this!

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I definitely relate to those intense hormonal swings during separation (ugh, the worst!), and tracking my cycle helps me prepare mentally and emotionally for those extra-challenging days (forewarned is forearmed!).

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If my cycle begins, then my dreams intensify, often featuring my twin. If I wake up feeling frustrated by our separation. That’s me this week.

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