I think most of us know that usually the divine feminine is the more spiritual half and that means usually they are the chaser. This is not a rule, I know we have some masculines here that are probably more spiritual than their counterparts but I mean in general.
Does that mean it is on the DF to make the first move and reach out? Does she always have to do the work?
It’s weirdly counter to normal culture where the guy is expected to be the one making the first move. Has anyone else taken that leap as the divine feminine, and how did it go for you? <3
I think you are right… it isn’t always up to us but it usually feels that way.
Sometimes they are the one to reach too. I don’t know if that is better or worse… maybe we just feel like we should reach out because we’re more aware of the connection.
As the DF in my connection, I took the leap and reached out first. It felt empowering, but also vulnerable. The connection deepened when I stopped worrying about who should make the first move and simply followed my heart. As Rumi said, “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
The divine feminine doesn’t always have to make the first move. Probably just drawn to because they understand where the source of the frustration comes from while the runner can stick their head in the sand.
Energy ebbs and flows between twins, and sometimes the masculine takes initiative too. What matters most is following your intuition and acting authentically, regardless of societal expectations or twin flame “rules.”
TBH, I’ve been the DF chaser and made the first move, but it’s not always on us. It’s more about following your gut and energy than sticking to rigid roles.
There are DFs that reach out too early and that can backfire then there are some that will reach out and it’s the initial spark that starts reunion together.
Your DM/DF role doesn’t decide that. How ready you are is what matters.
This journey is far too unpredictable for any kind of rules.
The heart chakra often guides these connections, regardless of divine feminine or masculine roles.
When your aura aligns with your twin’s, you may feel a magnetic pull to reach out - this is your energy bodies communicating beyond the physical. Trust in the wisdom of your higher chakras and let your intuition guide you, as spirit often starts these encounters in divine timing.
The DF can make the move or the DM. As long as they are doing it out of a place of healing.