Do any of you trying to explain the twin flame journey to your friends and family? When you go through a difficult separation, and people around you ask what’s wrong… I don’t know if I should try and explain this or not. I’m haunted by the fear that they might dismiss this ethereal bond as mere fantasy, unable to comprehend the depth of what I’ve experienced.
Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.
A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart
I won’t use the term “twin flame” (mostly because of the documentary they’ll just make assumptions). They mean well and they want the best for me, so I let them in without using the specific terminology.
I’ve learned it’s best to keep the twin flame journey private, as most people find it hard to understand its depth and that makes sense. Would you have understood if you were honest with yourself?
As @Chris just said, they’ll probably send me the TFU doc, and they mean well when they do it, but it won’t really help anyone.
In general no, save for the 2 or 3 spiritually awoken people I know as they understood immediately whereas those who aren’t awake… One way I tried to get around it with work colleagues who noticed a huge change in me when I awoke was to try and explain the basics of spiritual awakening, encouraging them to google it to help back me up. That brought about much derision because to try and explain spiritual feelings and happenings to people who are not spiritual is futile. Generally they thought I was mad and there were suggestions that I was mentally ill. To try and explain such concepts to “ordinary” people is too difficult because it’s beyond their comprehension. I mean, most of us here are still questioning what we go through and experience as twins to try and glean a better understanding and we’ve awoken so it’s going to be a struggle for those who are unaware, not spiritually interested etc to understand in cut and dried terms.
This sounds like the best case scenario. Hopefully everyone has this in their lives.
It’s natural to want to protect the precious connection you feel. Sometimes, opening up to a trusted friend can help ground you and provide much-needed support during challenging times.
Depends on who it is but the right person (like a soulmate friend) can be there for you and make it easier.
I’ve learned to keep this sacred connection private, sharing only with those who show genuine openness to spiritual concepts.
Most people aren’t ready to understand the profound depth of a twin flame bond, and that’s perfectly okay. Doesn’t make us or them either better or worse.
It feels very personal and difficult to explain. Sometimes, I want to share with close friends when I’m struggling, but I worry they won’t understand and might think I’m irrational for feeling such a deep connection to my DM.
Sharing your twin flame experience with others can be a risky move (trust me, I’ve learned the hard way). You might as well tell them you’re vacationing on the Moon (at least that sounds fun, right?). People tend to react with skepticism, confusion, or outright disbelief (cue the eye rolls and concerned looks).
Unless you’re talking to someone who’s open to spiritual ideas or has experienced something similar (unicorn alert!), you might want to keep your twin flame journey to yourself (or at least be selective about who you tell). It’s a deeply personal experience anyway (and sometimes, it’s nice to have a secret).
Ngl, the only person who is going to understand is my DM.
I said this terminology to my twin and to my soulmate. Looking at my difficult condition, soulmate once tried to give me a hint that my TF is actually my karmic. After that, I really don’t want to share anything with him anymore. I realized that no one would support me better than myself. It’s really deep story, not everyone can understand it, at least for now.
I wonder what if someone’s twin doesn’t want to believe in TF, it must be very painful. Mine isn’t skeptical, but he wasn’t in a hurry to confirm it either. I just figured he’d realize it later. The last time when we were still communicating, he was closer to the idea of me being a tester for his long distance relationship with his current girlfriend. And I was like: “Am I a joke to you? ”.
After that I realized that I should move on and create that separation phase literally, with less communication and then no-contact, even if it hurts AF.
hey, so my sis actually introduced me to the whole twin flame thing. she knows my twin and has seen some weird stuff go down between us. funny thing is, even though i've shared almost everything with her (except the super deep feels), she still thinks i'm a bit nuts sometimes. we're super close and she's into all that spiritual stuff, so she believes me, but i can tell she doesn't fully get it. i guess only other twins would really understand, and even then, everyone's journey is so unique.
i’d say it’s cool to open up to someone you really trust who’s into this kinda thing, but otherwise, keep it on the down-low.
My twin flame journey has brought me closer to friends and family I was actually estranged from. It deepens connections with loved ones who’ve witnessed my transformation firsthand.
I tried opening up to our mutual therapist friend, but he just clammed up. Is it surprising he probably thinks I'm off my rocker, just like anyone else would?
I almost wish I’d never learned about twin flames. It would be easier to write this off as just another failed relationship. But how can I ignore all the signs and the connection I’ve never felt with anyone else?
I’m grateful this community exists. It’s comforting to know others understand this unusual journey. Where else could I turn to feel less alone in all of this?
I own a metaphysical shop and have found people on the journey now who come in looking to understand the dynamics, so it’s nice to have those people to connect with.
Makes us feel we are not alone in this journey. So many more people are awakening their souls and are now finding out who they are. I’m acyually starting a support group and people are attending tonight.
Funny thing is, i told my tf about twin flames when we first met, and he understood the dynamics but after four years, pushed me away. Now i am hesitant to call it that to him right now.
I tell my journal (my secret coping mechanism) about my twin flame experiences (those intense, soul-stirring moments). My brother (always the nosy one) found my journal and surprised me (genuinely shocked me, really) with how much he actually understood (who knew he had such emotional depth?).
Since I met my twin since a tween age, I did tell my family about our weird syncs. We think sometimes it happens since (1) My archipelago country had some migration policy & we’re descendants of it, and (2) my aunt and her husband’s family do have many similarities too.
Parents had began being concerned in 2023 over my false twin, however. I wrote about our syncs (to avoid acting like him again) and the neat freak that is my father came into my room.
I told my (ex) spouse about it, and was treated (still am) like I’m completely delusional and need a mental ward But he also believes in absolutely nothing without concrete “proof”.
Tried to gently broach the subject with my TF which seemed to have either no effect/response or, if real, made him freak and pull away further. But he also is the type that believes in nothing spiritual.
I probably won’t mention it ever again to someone unless I know they have an open mind. I personally find it absurd people think humans, with our dinky brains, know for certain if something is real or not, and close their minds to anything outside the little orb of was we can see and touch.