I’m sure I’m not alone in this experience. Now anytime I mention the twin flame journey, either online or in person I get a varion of "It’s a cult!
So just to clear up the obvious misconception everyone seems to make:
Calling all twin flames a cult because of one website is like calling ALL OF CHRISTIANITY A CULT BECAUSE OF ONE GROUP.
Does that make sense to you? Of course not. You’d call us crazy if we said that.
Twin flames are the same. The whole thing isn’t a ‘cult’.
Beliefs differ. We’re not all paying thousands of dollars in coaching and being told who our mirror soul is.
Most of us are just trying to figure out what the journey means for us.
Now, I know Jeff and Shaleia deny everything said in the documentary. I wasn’t there, I don’t know all the facts. I do know that a lot of what they tell people, is not what most of us believe.
Jeff was telling people he knew who there twin flame was (and even that it could change). That’s not most of our experience.
He was promising a way to reach union that’s not something someone else can promise.
Even the mirror exercise they constantly talk about might not be the healthiest way to further your journey.
I’m curious about other peoples experience with this coming out. I’m glad it brings some awareness if people were being hurt but their actions but I am getting a little tired by all of us getting tarred with the same brush.
The real twin flame journey is a beautiful path of discovery. Even if it isn’t always sunshine and roses, it’s a path of growth and for many of us, the best relationship we could ever dream of.
Not just with another person - with ourselves at the same time.