I’ve been ~diving deep~ into astrology lately (trying to go beyond just the Tarot) and wondered if anyone had any advice on finding my twin flame astrology chart?
If we can use the Tarot for guidance, is an astrology chart even more specific?
I’ve been ~diving deep~ into astrology lately (trying to go beyond just the Tarot) and wondered if anyone had any advice on finding my twin flame astrology chart?
If we can use the Tarot for guidance, is an astrology chart even more specific?
Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.
A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart
The only place I know that has an astrology chart service is Twin Flame Collective here.
You can certainly use astrology to help guide you though (just like Tarot) you can’t use it if you just wait for something to happen. It’s guidance to action, not a do it for you trick.
They also use weekly astrology to do the twin flame forecasts for an energy outlook for the collective.
You can (of course) do all of this yourself with a couple of hours work but this saves a lot of time.
Astrology can offer interesting patterns and insights and sometimes it’s overlooked, while othertimes it’s underused.
Hhere are some areas I would examine when looking at potential twin flame connections:
At the end of the day, your soul carries an innate knowing that transcends external validation tools.
Think of astrological insights as supplementary guidelines (not overused!) that provide an additional perspective, but shouldn’t override your heart’s wisdom and direct experience.
Consider keeping a journal to track both astrological observations and your intuitive feelings. One can help to further the insight of the other.
Building on what the wonderful @Pradnya said, I’d add that several specific chart factors can illuminate twin flame connections in astrology:
In terms of houses, beyond the 7th and 12th mentioned above, significant planets or points in the 8th house of deep bonding and transformation can indicate twin flame potential.
For timing and activation of the connection, watch for transits of outer planets (like Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) making aspects to these sensitive points in both charts.
Remember astrology works best as one tool among many - combine it with your intuition, dreams, synchronicities and direct experience. The charts can confirm what you’re already feeling and offer additional layers of understanding about your connection’s unique dynamics and growth areas.
Just don’t leave us for your chart. We’re useful on your journey too!
I totally get your excitement about astrology charts! I’ve been really into them lately. Comparing birth charts with my twin flame was mind-blowing - we had so many crazy alignments and synastry aspects that just couldn’t be coincidence? The Tarot is amazing for guidance but I feel like astrology charts give such specific insights into your connection and challenges as TFs.
There’s also:
Chiron placements and aspects between charts, which can reveal areas of mutual healing
Pluto aspects, which often indicate transformative connections
Composite chart analysis, blending both charts to see the relationship’s unique energy
I have to admit, I’ve been guilty of getting lost in the intricate web of astrological charts and interpretations. There’s something seductive in cosmic validation but I have to use it properly.
Reading about Saturn-Venus aspects and Pluto’s transformative influence, I found myself nodding along, desperately wanting to see these patterns in my own chart comparisons. Am I using astrology as a crutch, a way to avoid facing the raw, unfiltered reality of my relationships?
It’s so much easier to blame challenging dynamics on planetary positions than to look inward and do the hard work of self-reflection. Don’t get me wrong, I still find value in astrological insights. But I’m trying to hold them more lightly now, to see them as one thread in the tapestry of understanding rather than the whole picture.
So rather than just reading the chart or forecast and just waiting to see what happens, I’m going to use them as a tool for finding what I need to do to be the future I want. To manifest our union in a positive way.
Hey there! I’ve dabbled in astrology for twin flame connections, too. Looking at Venus and Mars placements can be good - it’s helped me understand the passion and attraction in my own journey. Also gave some heads up on some of the obstacles we had to overcome.
Check out your North Node alignments, as they’ve given me some mini ‘aha’ moments about my soul’s purpose about my twin.
As someone who’s explored twin flame astrology, birth charts can offer interesting insights, but they don’t tell the whole story. The most profound connections often defy astrological expectations. Ultimately, I believe it’s the inexplicable soul recognition and intense mirroring that truly defines a twin flame bond, rather than planetary alignments.
I used Twin Flame Collective to do mine. Tried to figure it out myself but I kept getting different results and I don’t know if any were even in the ballpark. I had our combined one examined and that was way more accurate.
Looking for exact chart matches or specific aspects can sometimes lead to overthinking. I mean, the twin flame connection is about way more than just planetary alignments, but synastry charts can be great for exploring connections, especially when it comes to Moon signs and Nodes.
I don’t think an astrology chart would help you find your TF if you don’t know who they are already. I don’t know if anyone can really do that but if you already know your TF and even better if you know their birthday so you can look at their chart as well…
I can’t even with people searching for their twin flames! The journey is WILD and INTENSE! Sure, the awakening part is mind-blowing, and the personal growth is off the charts! But whoa, the emotional ups and downs are REAL! I’ve been celibate for about 2 years now, and it’s actually amazing?!
Now, I can’t even look at anyone else the same way - it’s like my soul has blinders on for my twin.
People who are actively looking for their TF don’t know what they’re getting themselves into.
Astrology can be an intriguing tool in the twin flame journey. When I compared my chart with my twin’s, I was surprised by the alignments. Our Moon signs were exactly opposite, creating this intense emotional pull. It felt like spirit was winking at us.
Twin flames aren’t something you can pinpoint in a birth chart, dear one. It can give you some advice for getting through it (if you use it right) but there’s no “X marks the spot” for where and when to find your twin flame. It just hits you. Hard. When you don’t expect it.
Do you use your own chart or your twin flames? Never really used astrology charts before is it difficult?
Instead of astrology or Tarot, I experimented with music as a way to tap into my connection with my divine masculine. I crafted playlists based on the intense emotions and vivid memories that surfaced when I thought about my DM.
Could someone post the photos of their chart and their twin flames chart? So we can see what it looks like together.
… I just thought about that and that would mean posting some pretty private details so maybe any bits we can share? Or some advice on what to look for?