Happy 11/11 to all my fellow twin flames out there - I hope this special gateway energy brings you closer to union or at least some much-needed clarity on your journey.
Gateways have always been important for me even before I began my twin flame journey.
While I appreciate the positive energy around 11/11, I’ve found that focusing too much on specific dates or “gateways” can lead to disappointment.
The most profound shifts in my twin flame journey happened unexpectedly on random days. Maybe instead of putting all our hopes on one day, we could use it as inspiration to maintain that openness and intention throughout the whole year?
Thanks for the 11/11 wishes! I definitely felt a surge of energy today and had an unexpected, vivid dream about my twin last night that left me feeling hopeful. It’s always exciting to see how these gateways manifest differently each time.
Had some unexpected synchronicities and felt more connected to my DM. I’m interested to see how this gateway energy plays out over the next few days.
I don’t want to jump the gun completely here, but…
It seems like this 11/11 I have come back into union with my DM. I will make the time to explain fully, and I do not know if it is the changes I’ve made thanks to advice from everyone here or just that 11/11 energy.
… I am lost for words. We are together now, and he is looking at some of the posts. He resonated with one of the DMs who was sharing his story and we’re moving city together this weekend.
I will write the full tale later but happy 11/11 everyone!
I feel like it’s a mix of both. Mine tend to go with the moon cycles. Yesterday at my metaphysical shop, i had at least three people walk in talking about their twin flame journeys…so there does happen to be some universal push to it. It also stemmed me to have conversations with them about mine, who i am currently in mini-reunion with but still separated from. Everyone’s journey is unique to their own pathway, so I always tell my clients to take what resonates with them and leave the rest.
But that’s not to say you can’t use the power of the gateways to meditate and cast incantations or affirmations or whatever you want to do, to plant seeds for your journey to move accordingly. Remember, we ARE the Universe and we can help divine timing along.
The Princess Bride (1987)
Westley: Hear this now: I will always come for you.
Buttercup: But how can you be sure?
Westley: This is true love - you think this happens every day?