Has anyone felt a sharp, unexplainable ache in their chest when thinking about their twin flame?
I’ve been getting this, and it seems to get sharper and more intense sometimes. I find myself rubbing my heart area, trying to soothe an invisible wound that seems to flare up out of nowhere? Seems to change with the push pull and come and go over time.
My usual disclaimer: Any physical pain might or might not be related to your journey and if there is any doubt then see a medical professional. Don’t take a risk with your health.
Sometimes, a chakra energy can feel very different to how it normally would, but I don’t think that should manifest as heart pain personally. Just be sure to take care of yourself.
I’ve had this… that sharp ache in your chest can be intense when thinking about your TF. I’ve experienced it, too, and for me, it felt like my heart was reaching out for them. Strange sensation.
What you’re feeling is probably your heart chakra responding to the intense frequencies shared between twin flames. Physical manifestations like this are often strongest during periods of significant energetic exchange or processing.
In my experience, pain or discomfort in various locations that correspond to the location of the energy centres of your body (or “chakras” as they are commonly known) when thinking about someone is an indication of their emotional and energetic state.
Some gifted psychics can feel this when connecting to the energies of others. Since you and your twin are always connected, you will feel the same things they feel when they experience them. Your thoughts of them is a confirmation that it is them that is experiencing this emotion, rather than you.
While there’s usually no physical damage that your body sustains, do seek out medical treatment if the pain and discomfort you are experiencing is too intense. Something else might be going on.
I recall when my twin was sexually abused, I felt a similar strong and sharp pain in my groin area, which corresponds to the “sacral chakra” or the “svadhisthana”. This was then shortly followed by strong sexual arousal.
There’s not much you can do except working on healing that unbalance on your end, and allowing your energy to be sent to your twin to assist them in their own healing.
So stay strong, stay focused, and trust that everything will work out in the end!
I get this on the right side of my chest when there’s something blocking my heart chakra energy (fear, worry, negative feelings). I feel it on the left side when it’s him.
Then there’s an overall burning across the chest, but I haven’t discerned that one yet
You know, it’s strange. When things are off with my twin, I get this heavy feeling like something’s just not right. But when we’re in sync? Man, it’s like this warm glow right in the middle of my chest. It’s not always easy to explain, but I’ve learned to trust those sensations. They’ve become my TF barometer if that makes sense.
Yo, the other day, I had this weird heart pain out of nowhere. It was not a sensation I could explain. It was like I felt their pain and not my own.
I’m pretty sure it was my twin’s stuff coming through. My DM’s been going through it lately, and I’ve been picking up on weird vibes. It’s wild how connected we are energetically. Is anyone else feeling extra sensitive to their twin’s emotions these days?
Some days, my heart is being wrung out like a wet towel.
One minute I’m floating on cloud nine, the next I’m plummeting back into an abyss of doubt. No matter how far or close we are. Sometimes, it feels like it’s him telling me he loves me. Sometimes I can feel his fear in my chest.
The intensity just hit me unexpectedly one night. Tears flowed like rain, washing over me with a deep sadness I couldn’t explain. Two minutes before, I felt perfectly normal. Like the very earth beneath my feet had shifted, leaving me unsteady and raw.
I am used to being able to distinguish between my own emotional weather and my twins but this caught me intensely and by surprise
Sometimes it feels like it leaves me breathless and I know it comes straight from him. His feelings are being projected straight to my chest as he calls out for a connection he is not ready for. It makes me cry sometimes.