Heart Tug Sensations: Anyone Else Feel This?

My twin flame mentioned a heart tug, and I’ve felt it and heard others say it, too.

For me, it feels warm and comforting sometimes, but then sometimes it’s a bittersweet ache, especially when physically apart. It seems to also feel worse when one of us is going through something and experiencing a lot of emotions.

Does everyone experience this? Why does it happen?


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I know 100% what you mean I think your hearts just sync up sometimes especially when one of you is going through some heavy stuff.

On odd occasions I’ll feel little “tugs” but 90% of the time since awakening a year ago, I feel a warm glow in the heart that I never had before which in my belief is the connection between my twin and I. Tons of synchs as well and at present we remain in separation.

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There was also this thread on feeling their heartbeat but I wonder if that is the same thing: Feeling Twin Flame's Heartbeat

Sometimes it happens when I think of them or out of the blue (which I think means they are thinking about me).

These sensations are always tied to my soul's counterpart, never anyone else. It's as if an invisible thread of starlight connects us across any distance. In a vivid vision once, I saw this connection as a shimmering vine, rooted in both our hearts and pulsing with ethereal energy.

While I can’t fully explain these experiences, they feel profoundly real and significant. I try to embrace these moments as they come, like savoring the fleeting beauty of a rainbow after a storm.

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I’m not entirely sure, but… I’ve had this strange sensation in my chest. It’s like… maybe a tugging? As if there’s an invisible cord connected to my heart. Sometimes it’s barely noticeable, other times it’s almost painful. I haven’t felt it lately though… maybe for a few weeks? I’m curious if… could it be related to my DM’s emotions? Like, if he’s struggling, do I feel it somehow?

It's like a fluttering in my gut, a pretty weird feeling, right around my solar plexus. Sometimes, it feels like I'm being squeezed from the inside out. It's not painful, but it's impossible to ignore.

The strangest part is when the feeling suddenly disappears. I can sense it’s shifted to my DF. We seem to trade off, like when one of us is overwhelmed, the other picks up the slack.

Our souls have their own plans, and sometimes, the lesson is in the separation rather than the union. Still, that magnetic pull remains, a constant sign of our shared nature.

That heart tug is a reminder to me that you both still have work to do

I think everyone probably experiences this differently and for different reasons. For me, it happens when one of us is angry or upset. It doesn’t seem to happen with excitement or happiness.

It feels more like a fight-or-flight instinct to reach out to our counterpart.

I don’t THINK I have ever felt it in a sharp experience like some of you… more of dull a dull constant pull toward my DM.

I’ve noticed the :heart: heartstrings tug feels stronger when listening to certain songs or walking in nature. Like our bond is amplified by the world around me, making those moments feel even more :sparkles: special.