Hi. Can someone explain more about the energetic connection or field which Twin flames share

Hi i need some clarity in understanding about tue energetic field TF share. Also when they say we should see them as one with us and not seperate can someone explain more on this to me.


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

The shared energetic field acts as a mirror, amplifying both balanced and unbalanced aspects within each twin. This provides opportunities for growth and healing.

The field contains the blueprints for both of your highest potentials. As one twin raises their vibration through inner work, it uplifts the entire field.


Thank you for that. Im trying to understand does it resemble an auric field?? Which both TF share? If so…if they are apart does the field extend out? Sorry if im asking to much lol trying to visualize this field

The energetic connection between twin flames feels like an invisible cord linking our hearts and minds. Seeing my twin as one with me involves recognizing our shared purpose rather than focusing on physical separation. Practicing meditation and energy work has helped me tune into this connection more deeply.


Thank you, i can understand this explanation a little more… i appreciate this

The energetic connection with my twin flame feels like an invisible cord linking our hearts, where I can sense their emotions and energy shifts even from afar. When I started viewing us as one soul in two bodies rather than separate individuals, it helped me understand our shared purpose and growth on a deeper level.