I sense my twin’s distress across the miles, their pain echoing in my heart despite our physical separation. Even if we’re not talking in the 3D today… circumstances prevent direct contact, I’m sending waves of love and strength, trusting that our unbreakable bond will carry them through.
I hope they can feel me there for them. Holding their hand from a distance.
He knows. They always do (even if they don’t know that they know).
I sense your crown chakras opening, allowing for your connection to deepen. Your energies are intertwined today, vibrating at a higher frequency.
Take a moment to breathe and feel that resonance within your heart center. This is a powerful time for inner reflection and growth on your twin flame journey.
Trust the process and stay open to the lessons appearing before you.
Sometimes I sense my DMs thoughts before he speaks them himself. This is the power we hold as counterparts and it is not always easy. Sometimes it hurts but it always helps.
Immense yet delicate like gossamer threads binding our souls across time and space in moments of stillness I feel our hearts beating as one the healing flows both ways nurturing each other’s growth even when apart.