Karmic Ties With a Twin Flame?

I think I understand what a karmic is and what a twin flame is, but is it possible to have a karmic twin flame? Like karmic ties with your actual twin flame?


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I am treading carefully here because terminology in the journey can get complicated and misused.

Twin flames can have karmic ties between them if they created karma together in past lives, but the core twin flame connection itself is not karmic in nature.

It’s a profound spiritual bond that exists beyond karma.

Twin flames are eternally connected through their shared soul energy, while karmic relationships are temporary and end once karma is cleared. Any karma between twin flames is an additional layer on top of their fundamental spiritual connection

When twin flames have karma together, their journey can be more challenging since there’s more to work through and heal. The purpose of karma between twin flames is growth and transformation, not punishment or debt.

Unlike purely karmic relationships, which dissolve after the karma is cleared, twin flames remain connected even after resolving any karmic ties.

The presence of karma doesn’t negate or diminish the twin flame connection - it’s simply part of the soul growth journey they’re experiencing together. Once the karmic patterns are cleared, the pure spiritual connection remains.

So, while twin flames can have karmic ties between them, the twin flame bond itself transcends karma and continues beyond any karmic cycles being completed.

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When we talk about karmic connections, we’re talking about bonds from past lives that we must work through in this lifetime. With twin flames, these often appear as unresolved energies from past incarnations affecting your current relationship.

Since the twin flame connection is one of the most intense and transformative relationships we can experience, it naturally involves working through any past life karma, but that doesn’t mean you necessarily have karmic ties to your twin, and they shouldn’t be confused with a ‘karmic’ or false twin.

These other styles of soul connections exist to help clear those past life energies and get you both more aligned with your true path, but they’re not the same as an actual TF.

Try not to get too caught up in labeling things like ‘karmic ties.’ What matters is the soul journey itself. As you progress and work on soul alignment and recognition, you’ll naturally start to address and transform these past energies positively.

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Yeah, as mentioned above. While karmic ties can exist between twin flames, the relationship itself goes way beyond just working out karma. Twin flames share this incredibly deep soul connection that’s really about evolution and growth, not just clearing old debts or patterns.

Think of it this way: any challenges or seemingly ‘karmic’ issues between twin flames are opportunities for both people to heal and grow closer to their authentic selves. So, while you might experience what feels like karmic stuff with your twin flame, it’s all part of a more significant journey of soul alignment and personal transformation.

To answer your question: Yes. Absolutly!

In fact, some argue that the reason why twin flames have relationships with karmic partners and soulmates is to learn to overcome the “karmic” or re-occuring challenges that has plagued their past life connection.

For example: In a past incarnation, me and my twin flame were married and in a happy and fulfilling union. However, over time, our relationship become more and more chaotic and it eventually broke down, leading to a separation. We did reunite at some point in that other incarnation, but we got back into doing the same routine that led to original breakdown, until the end of that incarnation. Neither of us really changed. All we did was learn how to cope better.

Meaning we had learned absolutly nothing from what happened. :person_facepalming:

In my case, the breakdown occured because I started prioritizing my work and job over spending time with my twin flame and my family. As a result of the lack of emotional support that my twin received from me, they turned to someone else to fulfill those needs. The result? You guessed it: infidelity! :scream:

Now, to solve this, and ensure that our next union would be more stable, we would each explore the themes of loyalty and work-life harmony through different relationships before attempting another union.

I would work on becoming more family oriented and reaching a more balanced state. A state where I’m not sacrificing the time and energy I spend with my family, in order to get ahead in my job or other occupations. I would do this with a soulmate.

Meanwhile, my twin explores the dangers of cheating on a commited partner and how devestating it is for both themselvs and those around them. This way, should the opportunity to betray or be unfaithful does come up again, they’ll likely think twice before going down that road. They would do this with a karmic partner.

If both of us learn these lessons, than the next time we reunite and come into union, it’ll (hopefully) be a more stable one. :smiling_face:

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Yes, it’s totally possible to have karmic ties with your twin flame - I’ve experienced this firsthand, and it feels like working through old ‘soul homework’ together :slight_smile: <3

The beautiful thing is that, unlike regular karmic relationships that can feel draining, with your twin flame, these karmic lessons become opportunities for both of you to grow and heal as a team :slight_smile:

While it might feel intense at times, there’s this underlying feeling of safety and purpose that makes working through the karmic stuff with your twin flame feel more like solving a puzzle together rather than fighting against each other.

Yes, karmic ties with your twin flame are real - I’ve noticed they often appear as repeating patterns or triggers that both of you need to work through together, like when my twin and I kept facing the same trust issues until we finally addressed our individual healing.

The meaningful part is that unlike regular karmic relationships that drain you, working through karma with your twin flame feels more like solving a puzzle together since you’re both equally invested in growth, even if you’re physically apart while doing the inner work.

Working with energy, twin flames often carry karmic imprints in their sacral and heart chakras from past lives together, which creates an intense magnetic pull but also triggers deep healing when these energy centers align during reunion.

When my twin and I first connected, our auras literally merged into this beautiful golden light, but we had to work through several lifetimes of karmic debris before we could maintain that pure energetic harmony without getting overwhelmed by the intensity.

The karmic ties with my twin flame felt different than regular karmic relationships - instead of that toxic push-pull drama (you know the type!), it was more like we kept triggering each other’s deepest wounds until we both finally got the message and did our individual healing work.

The karmic stuff is definitely there, but it feels more like solving a cosmic puzzle together rather than being stuck in that draining karmic cycle we’ve all experienced with non-twin connections.

Karmic ties with a twin flame feel like intense deja vu moments (you know, that weird feeling when you just KNOW you’ve been through this exact situation before?), but instead of being stuck in that draining karmic loop, it’s more like you’re both solving the problem together. Although not always physically together, sadly.

The difference is that while regular karmic relationships leave you feeling depleted, working through karma with your twin flame (even during separation) feels purposeful and healing - like you’re both learning the same lesson from different angles until it finally clicks.