Link between TF and your children?

Maybe weird, but has anyone heard about strong links between your own children and your TF? Energetically, spiritually? Or have similarities?


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Actually, I found a little info right after I posted this, for any interested.

Even though in such cases the child may not be biologically created by you and your Twin flame, it is the energy of the Union which has attracted the soul to you; after all, every soul wants to be born into the vibration of unconditional love. In fact, often one or both Twins sense that the conception happened during an astral meld between the Twin flame couple, indicating that our Twin flame is in fact the child’s spiritual parent.

A couple opinions from Quora

Absolutely yes! I have two boys with autism and they don’t connect with people they don’t know. The first meeting they each had individually with my twin flame, they both immediately recognized him and treated him as if they had known him their entire life. My TF has had a bigger impact on both of my son’s lives than anyone else ever has, or ever could in all honesty. It blew my mind the way my children have reacted and their bond to him is also tough now, as the separation stage has played havoc on their hearts missing him too.

Yes, I would like to believe that they do. Based on what I can draw from my experience, twin flames are never indifferent to the children of their twin. I have seen that there is a spontaneously bond/ liking that happens. It could very well be a soul connection. There are times, when I would say that it can even go beyond a soul connection and extend to physical traits, habits or personality traits. :blush:

It is an interesting thing to contemplate. Energy works in mysterious ways

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I resonate hard with this. From the moment mt twin met my kids and I, his, i bonded and loved his kids and he mine.
My youngest was usually shy and quiet. Taking her social ques from her big sister but with my twin she was immediately talkative and bonded with him. He accidentally went home for the day without telling her bye and she was so upset. Another time, the last time she saw him actually, she told him she was going to miss him as we said bye. Then she asked if I was going to miss him too. I replied " yes i miss him every day. " months later in seperation, she randomly asked me while we were playing out side, “Mom, i miss (twins name) , do you miss (twins name) too?”
She was 4 and hadnt seen him in months.

Before that I remember him telling me that his daughter would tell him she missed me.

So I absolutely believe there is a link or bond between our twins and our kids .

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Could it be that children, especially younger ones, are still so connected to the spiritual realm that they can immediately feel the harmonic resonance between their parent and their parent’s twin flame? What if our children share soul contracts or soul family connections with our twins from before incarnation?

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