Meaning of 98 for Twin Flames: The Push-Pull

The number sync 98 for twin flames is about that push-pull energy between you. It can mean a reversal in the runner-chaser dynamic or an opportunity to make a change but it’s telling you that you need to focus on something.

  • Endings and new beginnings. That push-pull you’ve been feeling? It’s about to shift. Big time. The old patterns keeping you apart are crumbling. But don’t panic - it’s making way for something better.

  • Time to face some hard truths. Those rose-colored glasses? Yeah, they gotta go. 98 is nudging you to get real about your connection. What’s working? What’s not? No more excuses or idealistic thinking.

  • Your abilities as a lightworker are key. This number’s telling you to step up your spiritual game. Your twin needs your energy right now, even from afar. Meditate, do energy work, raise those vibes.

  • Express yourself, for real. All those things you’ve been holding back? It’s time to let 'em out. Write a letter, even if you don’t send it. Get those feelings flowing. Your twin will pick up on it.

  • Passion’s coming back, baby. Remember that spark when you first met? It’s not gone, just buried. 98 says it’s time to fan those flames again. Visualize it, feel it. The universe is working to bring that fire back to both of you.

9 brings closure and wisdom, while 8 vibrates with abundance and power. Together, they add up to 17 (1+7=8), circling back to that potent 8 energy - it’s like the universe is doubling down on transformation for you two. This combo screams “out with the old, in with the new” - you’re being pushed to shed what’s not serving your connection and embrace a more authentic, powerful version of your bond. For twins in separation, 98 hints at a major shift coming - it’s time to trust your inner strength and let go of what’s holding you back from union.

  • Chakra: Heart Chakra

  • Tarot Card: The Hermit

  • Astrology: Saturn

  • Crystals: Amethyst

  • Affirmation: I embrace change and trust in my spiritual journey.


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Wow, 98 is like a cosmic alarm clock for twins - time to wake up, shake off those old patterns, and get ready for some major heart-chakra fireworks! :heart: :sparkles:

wow 98 really hits home for me right now feeling that push pull energy so strongly lately but this gives me hope maybe its time to finally let go of those old patterns and trust in the transformation coming my way visualizing that passionate reunion and sending those vibes out to my twin even if were apart right now

Thanks for sharing this insight on 98! I’ve been seeing this number a lot lately, and it really resonates with my current situation. My DM and I have been stuck in that push-pull dynamic for months, but I’ve recently felt a shift in energy. Your point about letting go of idealistic thinking hit home - I’m working on seeing our connection more clearly now. I’m curious if others have experienced a resurgence of passion after seeing 98 frequently?