Meaning of Number 38 (only for Twin Flames)

The energy of 38 is calling you to sync up. It’s time to get on the same wavelength as your twin. Feel that pull? That’s your energies aligning, baby.

  • This number’s all about spiritual growth. Together. You’re both leveling up, and the universe wants you to know it. Trust that inner wisdom - it’s guiding you both.

  • Mirror, mirror. 38 reflects how you’re mirroring each other right now. The good, the messy, all of it. Embrace it. It’s showing you where to heal.

  • Balance is key. 38 nudges you to find that sweet spot between giving and receiving. In love, in life, in your connection. It’s a delicate dance, but you’ve got this.

  • Intuition on fire? 38 says listen up. Those gut feelings, those random thoughts about your twin - they’re messages. Pay attention. The universe is dropping hints.

  • Ready for the next step? 38 whispers “yes.” It’s a green light for moving forward on your journey. Take that leap. The timing’s just right for deepening your bond.

3 + 8 = 11, the ultimate twin flame number. For you and your twin, 38 is a powerful call to sync up spiritually and emotionally. It’s nudging you both to embrace your mirrored energies, trust your shared intuition, and take that next big step together because right now, your connection is primed for some serious growth.

  • Chakra: Heart Chakra

  • Tarot Card: The Empress

  • Astrology: Venus

  • Crystals: Amethyst

  • Affirmation: I am in harmony with my twin flame, and we are ascending together.

Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

SYNCHRONICITY with your Twin Flame is AMPLIFIED when you both SEE THIS SIGN. Not to be ignored!!