My First Kiss With my Twin Flame

My twin flame’s energy is absolutely electrifying. When our lips finally met, it felt like our crown chakras burst open, flooding my entire being with pure bliss.

I swear I could see our auras merging, creating a dazzling kaleidoscope of colors I’ve never experienced before. Has anyone else felt their kundalini awakening during a kiss with their divine counterpart?


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Very happy for you. :slight_smile:

When I kissed my twin flame, it felt like coming home after a lifetime of wandering. The world faded away and I was enveloped in a cocoon of warmth, safety, and indescribable bliss.

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I felt waves of warmth and light coursing through my body as if every cell awakened to a higher vibration I’d never known existed.

That single kiss with my TF redefined my understanding of connection and intimacy, leaving an imprint on my soul that no other experience has come close to matching.

I don’t know if I could call it a Kundalini awakening from the kiss… but I sure won’t forget it.

That first kiss with your twin flame is like fireworks going off in your soul.

When I finally kissed mine, it felt like time stood still, and the whole world faded away, leaving just us in this bubble of pure connection.

I think if you don’t feel this… they’re probably not really your twin.


My first kiss with my twin flame was actually quite gentle and grounding. Rather than an explosion of energy, it felt like coming home - a deep sense of peace and recognition. Everyone’s experience is unique, but for me, it was more about a quiet knowing than any kind of fireworks.


I’m on the peaceful side too.

Don’t get me wrong, the physical attraction was undeniable, but it was peripheral to the scene that played out in my mind.

The overriding feeling was that of having fought against a raging storm, pushed and pried to open a massive door to find……

Him, my mirror soul, sitting in front of the fireplace, smiling and beckoning me to join him. None of the past struggles mattered, now that we were home together.

Sounds amazing and I am excited for you both!

It definitely sounds magical. I’d just caution against putting too much weight on any one moment or sign. It might not always mean what you think right away.

I am so excited for you!

I don’t know what a kundalini awakening is supposed to feel like. I do think it was like the world fading away and we were the only two left standing.

Oh man, my first kiss with my twin flame was like licking a 9-volt battery while riding a unicorn through a rainbow.

And by that I mean it was totally electrifying but also kinda weird and uncomfortable. I’m pretty sure I saw stars, but that might’ve just been from bumping heads when we both went in at the same time.

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“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.”

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It wasn’t just a kiss. It was the actual sex. We were a bit high on TCH and we were sitting cross-legged and it was intense. I saw the rainbow in my head and then colors of silver and gold after that. He felt it too but then he freaked out a few years later and we are now in the process of reunion, but I’m going full surrender first. He still can’t deny his attraction to me even though he tries. He’s trying out poly stuff at the moment so…:woman_shrugging::sweat_smile:

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Visualization of colors during intimate moments with twin flames often signals energy activation. Silver and gold points to higher chakra activation and DM/DF energy merging.

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I work with chakras and i have experienced many Kundalini moments and energy shifts during my meditation moments since then.:blush:

Yes that was the start of a LOT of things for me/,us!

Reading this made me remember my own first kiss with my twin. It took some time to really process what just happened :laughing:

I’m curious if you experienced any physical sensations during that first one?

I’m so happy for you both. :slight_smile:

Not everyone gets this opportunity. It might feel impossible to those in no-contact separation but I’m glad for you and it’s a good reminder for all of us.

I am so thrilled for you two!? Now go do it again and come back and tell us about it. :smiley:

I’m still waiting to meet mine too. Must have been intense when you finally connected! Did you feel that instant recognition people talk about, or was it more of a gradual realization?

The physical experiences like kisses come after soul recognition has already occurred. While physical experiences can be powerful, they’re not what defines the twin flame connection. It’s about the soul-level recognition.