My Twin Flame Messaged Me

Going through a long drawn out separation and no-contact phase suuucks. Sometims we spend our time looking through their social media or our old messages. What if they just messaged out of the blue?

I’m in the separation phase, he texted me and broke no contact. It was a long message, pouring his heart out and thanking me for such a beautiful, passionate, intense, and sacred connection we had. It was short, but it was real. It was what I needed to hear.

I ran out of tears to cry though. I so desperately want to respond and hold on, but I also know in my soul how important this separation is for both of our healing.

At first I was the one who wanted to make it work at all costs. But I ended up being the one who walked away because I needed to choose myself. I needed to choose someone who will choose me fully, not just partially. And I think that was/is my big life lesson right now.

So thank you for the message. Onwards.

The Cosmic Timing of Twin Flame Messages

Just as they thought about their twin flame, he texted. At a certain point, synchronicity just stops surprising you.

The Courage to Reach Out (and the Strength to Stay Put)

Reaching out during separation takes guts. It’s like trying to pet a lion – thrilling, but potentially dangerous for your heart. The bravery shown in sending that heartfelt message is commendable, but so is the resilience in not immediately responding. Remember, choosing yourself isn’t selfish – it’s necessary for growth.

Balancing Act: Heart’s Desire vs. Soul’s Journey

The twin flame path is like walking a tightrope between two skyscrapers. On one side, there’s the magnetic pull to be together. On the other, the need for individual growth. Finding that sweet spot? That’s where the magic happens.

Lessons in Self-Love and Patience

Choosing yourself doesn’t mean you’re choosing against your twin flame. It’s about creating a better version of you for when the time is right. Think of it as spiritual meal prep – you’re getting all your ingredients in order for the feast of reunion.

Moving Forward with Gratitude

Every message, every synchronicity, is a little love note from the universe. It’s saying, ‘Hey, you’re on the right track!’ So, next time you experience one of these cosmic winks, take a moment to say thanks. Gratitude keeps the good vibes flowing.

Remember, twin flames, your journey is unique. Trust the process, embrace the growth, and keep your eyes peeled for those magical moments of synchronicity. They’re the universe’s way of giving you a cosmic high-five!


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

I love this ~ ~ ~ Onwards!

I totally get where you’re coming from. When my DM reached out after months of silence, I was a mess of emotions. Part of me wanted to ignore it, protect myself from potential hurt. But I knew deep down that would be unfair to both of us.

This connection is too powerful to play games with… I ended up responding, keeping it light but honest.

Sometimes just acknowledging each other’s presence is enough to shift the energy. Trust your intuition on this one, but don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. That’s where the real growth happens.

I'm glad you heard from him, but I'd caution against reading too much into it. In my experience, these brief moments of contact during separation can sometimes give false hope. True healing and growth often happen in silence.

Have you considered that maybe this message wasn’t meant to bring you peace, but rather to test your resolve or even pull you back into old patterns? The length of no contact is less important than how you’ve used that time for self-reflection and personal development.

Instead of focusing on his message, I’d encourage you to examine your own feelings and reactions. Are you truly at peace, or just momentarily relieved because they messaged?