I met my twinflame more than 3 years ago.
And he didn’t tell me, but at some point i knew that he can see me and everything else that i see, through my eye.
Who else’s twinflame can see like that?
Just been curious about it for some time
for some reason which i can’t explain.
Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.
A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart
Thank you for sharing with us!
The sensation of your twin being able to “see through your eyes” is actually an experience that comes from the deep energetic connection between twin flames. Stemming from your shared energy field and you can develop strong telepathic abilities, especially around sensing and sharing experiences.
Many twins report experiencing this kind of visual connection, along with:
- Sensing what their twin is seeing/experiencing
- Sharing dreams and visual experiences during meditation
- Getting “flashes” of what their twin is doing
- Feeling physical sensations their twin is feeling
- Knowing instinctively when their twin is thinking of them
The reason this happens is because twin flames originally come from the same soul energy and maintain that deep connection even in physical separation. Your experience points to an active telepathic bond developing between you.
I’ve experienced something similar with my twin flame - it’s like we can sense each other’s energy and emotions even from a distance, almost as if we’re connected through our eyes and hearts.
It’s like a subtle awareness that grows over time… Sometimes I’ll catch glimpses of what they’re seeing, or sense their emotions, as if we’re connected beyond the physical…
Taking ‘seeing eye to eye’ to a whole new level.
While my twin flame can’t literally see through my eyes, we often have an uncanny ability to sense each other’s emotions and experiences, almost as if we’re sharing the same consciousness at times.
I think I’ve experienced this during meditation or intense emotional moments. I don’t think it happens outside of that though, it would make things… interesting. Perhaps difficult.
So there I was, chilling on one side of the city, when suddenly my DM energy kicked in and I got this vivid image of a sunset over water. It was like the universe was sending me a little spiritual postcard or something. Later, I found out my guy was actually at the beach watching that exact sunset.