Not dreaming about my twin

I don’t dream about my twin very much and when I do he usually has a different face but I know it’s him. I’ve had a few where it’s actually him I recognize. I’ve never experienced any vivid sexual encounters but there’s been hugging, kissing, lying in each others arms. Some on this forum dream constantly about their twin. What’s wrong ?


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Nothing is wrong at all - everyone’s twin flame experience manifests differently.

Dreams aren’t a requirement or measure of your connection. Some people have frequent dreams while others rarely dream of their twin flame, and both experiences are equally valid.

The face-changing you describe in dreams is actually quite common. Our subconscious often uses different faces or symbols to represent our twin flame, since the connection exists at the soul level rather than the physical level. The emotional intimacy you experience in your dreams - the hugging, kissing, and close contact - reflects the deep soul connection, even without explicit physical encounters.

Try not to compare your experience to others or worry that you’re missing something. Focus instead on your own unique journey and relationship with your energy/soul connection.

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People experience their twin’s energy differently in dreams - sometimes with a different face or appearance, but you still inherently know it’s them. It doesn’t even have to be a person, my twin used to appear in animal form. Souls can easily take different forms in the dream state.

The varying intensity and frequency of dream connections between twins often relates to where you each are energetically.

Some twins have very active dream lives while others connect more through feelings, synchronicities, or telepathic moments during waking hours. Your experiences of gentle, loving encounters through hugging and being close are meaningful connections.

If you’d like to increase dream encounters, try:

  • Setting an intention before sleep to connect with your twin’s higher self
  • Keeping a dream journal by your bed to record any experiences
  • Meditating briefly before sleep to calm your mind and sleep in a peaceful environment (get your phone out of the bedroom)

It sounds like your subconscious is processing some deep feelings about your connection, even if you haven’t been actively thinking about your twin lately - those vivid dreams can really affect you sometimes!

I’m not sure, but maybe it’s okay if you don’t dream about your twin much? My DM rarely appears in my dreams either, and when he does it feels kind of vague or symbolic. I think everyone’s journey is different, so try not to worry too much about comparing your experiences to others - your connection is unique to you.

Dreams about our twins can be unpredictable and deeply personal. The intensity and frequency of twin-related dreams often fluctuate with our inner state and current life circumstances. As Carl Jung said, “The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul,” so perhaps your subconscious is processing your twin connection in its own unique way.

Hey there! Actively visualizing your twin before bed can increase dream encounters. Try keeping a journal by your nightstand and immediately writing down any twin-related dreams when you wake up - this trains your brain to remember them better.