Our Twin Flame Journey (So Far...)

I think my spiritual journey started early on. Like my guides were preparing me for this.

At 25, I was ready to give up on love. Then, on a whim, I swiped right on Jake, my best friend’s little brother. The one and only time I used a dating app.**

Our spirit guides must have been working overtime that day.

Our first date was magical. This is it, my inner voice whispered and (for once) I listened. We fell hard and fast, two halves of a whole.

Twin flames, our friends called us.

The term was new to me but… everything fit.

But life had other plans. Two years in, Jake’s anxiety and my insecurities tore us apart. Separating was agonizing, but necessary. “We need to find ourselves,” Jake said, his voice breaking.

I dove into self-discovery, exploring spirituality and meditation. My guides spoke to me in dreams, revealing past lives where Jake and I had always found each other.

For three years, we only had fleeting encounters. Each time, the connection was electric, but the timing was off. I learned to trust the universe’s plan.

On my 28th birthday, Jake texted: “Coffee?” My heart raced. Our guides were aligning our paths once more.

At the café, I saw how we’d both changed. We were calmer, more grounded. The love was still there, stronger but wiser. We agreed to take things slow.

Now at 30, we’re writing a new chapter.

Not finished yet, but working on it. We’re not the same kids who fell in love five years ago, but two whole individuals choosing to grow together.


Thank you… for sharing with us…

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I appreciate you and wish you the best for your love :heart:

I love that they knew when you didn’t :laughing: :joy:

Was it your DM messaging or the fact he wanted coffee? :laughing:

The caffiene was a non-negociable. His attendance was the only thing in question. :laughing: