Questioning Sanity

When I stopped desperately seeking validation and just sat with those feelings, even the uncomfortable ones, I noticed they had a different quality than anxiety or PTSD symptoms. There was a steady knowing underneath that felt more accurate than any of my past trauma responses. Trust that if you can question and analyze your experience this thoroughly, you’re not crazy - you’re just processing something profound in your own way.

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Don’t be so hard on yourself @AwakenedOne1. That "tiny box of ‘logical explanation’"is what keeps you safe most days. It does have a purpose.

The goal is to be aware of this limitation. Once you have awareness of it, you can make a conscious and rational choice on wether the situation you are in is indeed dangerous, or if you are perceiving it as dangerous due to an involuntary or subsonscious response to a previous traumatic experience you had.

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I’m going to be honest. There are days I still don’t know what to believe. Sometimes I wonder if it’s all just wishful thinking on my part and if everything I’m experiencing if just all in my head. Are the signs there because I’m meant to see them, or am I searching for signs because I need hope to hang on? What is the divine lesson here? Why did we reconnect, and why now? Will we ever speak again? Why did we even stop speaking? What is the meaning of everything?

Takes a deep breath :heart:


After experiencing similar doubts, my strongest validation came not from my twin, but from the way these experiences fundamentally changed me as a person through deep inner work, spiritual growth, and most importantly, the ability to finally trust my intuition again after trauma.

Have you noticed any profound personal changes since starting your TF journey that can’t be explained by just imagination or wishful thinking?

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ABSOLUTELY, yes. This has caused me to believe without a doubt, several times.

But when my Twin denies he has feelings for me, or denies he sent “messages” to me through songs (what sparked this topic), despite careful note-taking proving he was, it forces me to question that faith in my instincts.

This in turn, had severe consequences in my life in all areas, not just the TF journey. Such as, he’ll never know how badly he affected my ability to escape from my abusive situation by his denials. The one he seems to criticize me for “taking too long” to do…

So yes… CLEAR profound, personal changes, but also clear denials from him its true at all. Currently I “believe” in the TF journey again….mostly. But I can’t see a way to TOTALLY believe until he comes clean.

Luckily, my belief in the Universe/Source/Diving/God/Chicken Overlord (sorry, that never gets old to me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:) is now absolute. I also have absolute faith I can heal myself. So that’s something!

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Your questioning is completely normal. We’ve all been there. Probably multiple times.

Trust that inner voice that’s guiding you, the one that feels the energy and connection, while being kind to yourself as you navigate this path.

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