I wanted to give another update to this thread for anyone interested.
There have been some new physical sensations that have occured over the past few weeks that have made me gain even more insight into the situation.
The main thing that caught me by surprize was a severe energy shift that occured approx. 3 weeks ago. That day, it manifested itself as a very strong flu. Sensations of fever, strong muscle fatigue, dizziness and restlessnes.
At first I thought I was suffering from a coronavirus infection but it was a little too sudden. Sure, I did experience a runny nose and a dry caugh, but there were also sycronicities pointing towards a spiritual element to this disease as well.
I recall nearly loosing consciousness later on that day, as my field of view become more and more blury. Moments later though, my entire body was engulfed in sweat and I no longer felt as though I was about to faint.
Over the last 3 weeks since the event, my energy has returned to normal, but there have been some changes. I feel more irritated than I used to before. I don’t feel as patient as I was before. Definitly more snappy. My sleep pattern has changed, and my body feels slightly warm at times for no real apparent reason.
At this point, I believe my twin flame is experiencing a menopause. Quite strange given their young age, but there may be a purpose for it.
Putting all this together, along with all my other notes so far, it likely means that the new cancer my twin if batteling is…uterine.
And in a way, I’m not surprized given the repeated severe sexual trauma I believe they experienced from their karmic partner, along with the contraceptives they probably used from the fear of having another child with them.