Saw my twin for the first time in 7 months

My twin and I have been in separation since June 2024 and we have been in no contact since December 2024. We have known each other for about 3 years and are both married to other people and each have children. When we first met, we had an intense connection immediately. We finally discussed our strong connection in April and talked on the phone for 4 hours. Then we began talking constantly. In December, his wife noticed our phone calls and read some messages we sent and she told him to stop talking to me, so we have been in no contact since then.

Last week I was feeling so unsure and upset about all this and asking God why my twin was sent to me when we are already married with children because it is so complicated. How can I love someone so much when Iā€™m already in a committed relationship with someone else?? I told myself I would focus on my marriage and try to make things work for the children but I literally canā€™t stop thinking about my TF. Iā€™ve also been getting so many signs that point to my twin. I saw his doppelgƤnger again on Sunday and then on Tuesday, I had this crazy vivid dream that I was with my twin in person and it felt so real.

Then I saw my TF at a restaurant. We have lived in the same city for 2 years and we have never run into each other, so I was definitely surprised to see him. During one of the tarot readings, Danielle told me that my twin and I would be seeing each other soon and that it would be a surprise. I was definitely surprised to see him even though when I walked in the restaurant, I had this weird feeling that I would be seeing him there. 10 minutes after my family and I sat down for dinner, I thought I saw his wife out of the corner of my eye. She took one look at me and left the restaurant. Then I looked on the other side of me and my twin was literally 2 feet away from me with his back turned. He was trying to get his daughter to leave the restaurant since his wife basically ran out after she saw me. My chair was turned facing the other way and I froze. I wanted to get up and say hi but I couldnā€™t move. Then I saw him walking out of the restaurant. I am still in shock and cant believe that I finally saw him in person even if it was the back of his head.

After I saw him, I was hoping he would contact me but we are still in no contact. I feel so heartbrokenā€¦I just wish I could talk to him. No contact is so hard bc I literally cannot stop thinking about him and I keep getting signs of him everywhere. Iā€™m doing everything to ā€œwork on myselfā€ but I feel like nothing seems to help me stop thinking of my TF. One day Iā€™m at peace and the next day Iā€™m a mess.

How do you deal with the separation / no contact phase?? This is so hard.


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Oh my gosh, I totally understand that frozen feeling!

I encountered my twin flame at Target after six months of no contact, and I couldnā€™t move either. My heart was racing! In my honest opinion, these random encounters seem to happen right when weā€™re finally getting our lives back in balance, almost like the universe is testing us. The fact that his wife left him indicates that the energy between you two is still incredibly intense (Iā€™ve experienced something similar with my twin flameā€™s spouse).

Sometimes, just being in the same space for a moment is all we really need right now. Keep being yourself and trust that gut feeling that told you he would be there. Those vibes never lie, for real!

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I had a similar frozen moment when I unexpectedly saw my twin at a coffee shop last year. What struck me most was how my body physically couldnā€™t move while my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest, and later I realized that intense physical reaction was actually protecting us both from disrupting each otherā€™s current paths.

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I understand the mix of emotions youā€™re feeling after seeing your twin flame unexpectedly after such a long separation. These encounters can really shake us up and often mark significant moments in our journey.

When we unexpectedly meet our twin flames, itā€™s best not to overthink or try to plan anything. Just try to stay present in the moment and keep your energy balanced. This journey is about our souls, not about creating perfect scenarios.

Itā€™s easier done than said. I know. Weā€™re all here for you, Iā€™m sure.

The unpredictability of these encounters can be overwhelming. Sometimes we just need to get comfortable with not knowing whatā€™s next and let go of our expectations about how things ā€˜shouldā€™ be.

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I canā€™t believe I froze, but when I saw him, it did make me realize that my feelings for him have only gotten stronger with time and separation. I feel like since I saw him we have been communicating telepathically and through dreams. I also realized the reason we stopped talking was because his wife told us to stop talking not because anything was wrong with our connection. I woke up one day and told myself Iā€™m not going to let his wife tell me that I cannot talk to him anymore. I got the courage to send him a ā€œwork relatedā€ email and he wrote back. Since the middle of February, weā€™ve been communicating through email and a little bit through text. Iā€™m happy things are moving in the right direction and that we are starting to communicate again!

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This was exactly how I feltā€¦I was literally a frozen statue with an exploding heart. These twin flame feelings are definitely intense. :fire:

Yes it is definitely overwhelming. It has been a hard journey but Iā€™m almost at that point of fully letting go. Most days, I do trust the universe and believe that whatever is meant to happen will happen, but I also have many moments of doubt. I still get so many signs from the universe, so that helps me feel like I am on the right track. A few weeks after I saw him, we started communicating again through email and text so Iā€™m so happy to be ā€œtalkingā€ to my twin again! We do need a phone conversation but I know that will come soon. Iā€™m taking it slow and trying to go with the flow.

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Iā€™m so happy to hear this progression for you @MrsG. Keep us posted :heart:

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Thank you! I will! :blush:

I had almost the exact same experience (that frozen feeling hit me hard when I saw my TF at a gas station after 6 months in NC), and what struck me was how his wifeā€™s quick exit actually protected everyone from an awkward situation that wasnā€™t meant to happen yet (sometimes the universe works through other people to maintain necessary boundaries).

The fact that you sensed him before seeing him (that pre-cognitive buzz is so real) shows your connection is still strong even in separation, but your mutual respect for current circumstances shows where you both are in your growth.

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Thank you for your comment @CosmicKeys . Yes Iā€™m glad his wife left immediately because she could have caused a scene if she really wanted to. It was definitely an awkward situation since they were going to be seated at the table right next to ours. I am thankful that she reacted in a way that was very mature and respectful. Iā€™m glad we do have mutual respect for each other and our separate lives for now.

ā€œPre cognitive buzzā€ is so real! you are right it does show how our connection is still strong and reminds me that this is real.

This happened to us again recently. I went to happy hour with friends from work and before happy hour, I had a dream that I told him to go too. Then at the last minute my coworkers changed the location of happy hour. I felt weird like I should be going to the original place because I had a feeling he would be at the original place. later that night, I found out that my twin did go to the original happy hour place. I sent him a message about how we almost went to the same happy hour place that night. He said, ā€œLook at that almost saw you!ā€ I feel like he got the message about the original happy hour place telepathically from me. So we did talk about meeting at happy hour another time. As much as I do want to see him I feel nervous about seeing him because Iā€™m not sure how I will react. I feel like I might freeze up again because Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m ready. :cold_face:

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