Separation Pain from Twin Flame?

I’ve been going through a really tough separation from my twin flame, and lately, I’ve noticed some intense physical symptoms.

There’s this deep ache in my chest that won’t go away, and sometimes I feel nauseous or dizzy for no apparent reason. I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced physical pain during their separation or if I’m imagining things. It’s hard to explain to friends and family who don’t understand this connection, and I feel so alone in what I’m going through. I’m trying to stay strong and focus on my own growth, but some days, the physical discomfort is overwhelming.

Has anyone found ways to cope with these sensations or ease the pain during separation?


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Usually, @Redpanda gets here first, so I’ll add her usual disclaimer: If you’re feeling physical issues, then always check with a medical professional. If there’s doubt, there is no doubt.

The physical symptoms you’re describing - chest pain, nausea, and dizziness - are commonly reported during twin flame separation. This happens because the connection operates on multiple levels, including the physical body.

When there’s separation, it can manifest as genuine physical discomfort since you’re energetically intertwined with your twin flame.

  1. Grounding practices like walking barefoot in nature or meditation can help stabilize your energy
  2. Regular exercise to process the intense emotions and release built-up energy
  3. Energy healing techniques like Reiki or chakra balancing
  4. Journaling to track your symptoms and emotional states
  5. Creating a support system of people who understand this journey

These symptoms often intensify during significant growth or major inner work. While uncomfortable, they’re usually temporary and part of the transformation process.


What you’re experiencing is sometimes called core wound activation - a very real physical manifestation that can occur during twin flame separation.

This intense physical pain, particularly in your heart or solar plexus area, happens because the energy you share with your twin flame becomes highly polarized when you separate.

The physical symptoms arise from the place where your soul energy connects to your physical body. When the shared energy field between you and your twin flame becomes imbalanced, it can trigger these sensations.

It’s not imaginary - many people report similar physical experiences during separation.

  • Focus inward on balancing your own energy rather than thinking about your twin flame
  • Practice being present in the moment through meditation or mindful activities
  • Allow yourself to feel the sensations without resistance, but don’t attach stories or meanings to them
  • Keep your attention on your own well-being and growth
  • Symptoms often ease as you learn to balance your energy

This isn’t regular heartbreak - it’s an energetic response that requires energetic solutions. Balancing your energy will help reduce these physical manifestations over time.

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The physical pain you’re experiencing is a deep manifestation of your soul’s yearning for its other half, and while it may feel overwhelming now, know that this ache is shaping you into a more complete version of yourself, preparing you for the day when you’ll either reunite with your twin or find the strength to embrace your individual journey with grace and newfound wisdom.

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I also like:

  • Sound healing - listening to specific frequencies or binaural beats can help realign your energy

  • Aromatherapy - certain essential oils like lavender or rose can help soothe the physical discomfort

  • Crystal healing - carrying or meditating with crystals like rose quartz or amethyst may offer relief

  • Breathwork - specific breathing exercises can help calm your nervous system and ease symptoms

  • Energy cord-cutting visualization can help you feel more centered in your energy. Remember, while these practices can offer relief, being patient with yourself is crucial. This is an intense process, and healing takes time. Trust that these symptoms will gradually subside as you continue to focus on your own growth and healing.

As a twin flame runner, I can relate to these intense physical symptoms during separation.

The core wound activation you mentioned resonates deeply with my experience. For years, I felt that ache in my chest and the overwhelming nausea, but I kept running, trying to escape what I thought was just emotional turmoil. It wasn’t until I stopped running and faced these sensations head-on that I understood their actual true nature.

The more I worked on myself and my own growth, the less intense these physical manifestations became. However, I want to caution against completely detaching from these feelings. As a runner, I initially tried to numb myself to them, which only prolonged my journey. Instead, I learned to acknowledge the sensations without letting them control me. I suspect chasers would have to do the same.

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During my separation, I found comfort in reading inspiring books, exploring new places through travel, and surrounding myself with the love of family and friends - these activities helped ease the physical and emotional pain while keeping me focused on personal growth.

If you’re experiencing physical pain during separation, try grounding exercises like walking barefoot in nature or holding crystals, as these can help ease the energetic connection and soothe the physical symptoms.

Very familiar with this. I felt it primarily in my Solar Plexus/Heart area (Throat as well sometimes, when I or he struggles with truth). It’s an extremely uncomfortable, and scary sensation, I believe because it’s tied to our deepest abandonment traumas (they are not there for/with us…)

The natural reaction to pain/fear of the would be to react, or numb/block it off, keep your mind off it, etc. Any way to escape it. (Fight/Flight/Freeze) But I believe you must allow the pain, face every dimension of it, pay attention/learn from what that pain brings up, helps you see that on the other side not only can survive that pain, but it makes you stronger, you will feel much, much better, and the separation pain less hurtful.

But I do know how lonely it feels in that space when you’re embroiled in it. If helpful, imagine me and all the others suffering the exact incurable pain, hugging/comforting you right now, as you bravely climb the TF mountain (which takes a true Warrior spirit) to your own Divine bliss. :hugs:

~Oh, darling~, I know that pain all too well.

When my twin and I separated, it felt like my very soul was being torn apart - I’d curl up on the floor, struggling to breathe through waves of agony that seemed to consume everything within me. But in time, I learned to accept that pain as a sign of our profound love and to use it as a guide leading me back to my true self.

:heart: I’ve definitely experienced those physical symptoms during separation - the chest ache and dizziness are all too familiar. For me, surrendering to the feelings and accepting them without judgment helped ease the intensity over time.

Remember to be kind to yourself and know that this pain is part of your growth, even when it feels overwhelming. :butterfly:

Something that’s helped me with separation pain is creating a ‘separation survival kit’ filled with comforting items like a cozy blanket, calming tea, and a journal to write out my feelings. When the pain gets overwhelming, I wrap myself up in the blanket, sip some tea, and pour my heart out on paper - it’s like giving myself a big, warm hug that helps me feel more grounded and connected to myself.

The physical ache you’re feeling during this separation is real and valid. Your physical 3D body’s way of processing the deep spiritual and emotional connection you share with your twin flame, and while it hurts now, know that this pain is part of your growth and eventual reunion.

The pain of separation is all-consuming.

It’s like a constant ache that follows you everywhere. Some days, I can barely get out of bed, knowing he’s out there living his life without a care. Meanwhile, I’m left picking up the pieces of my shattered heart. The unfairness of it all is maddening - he gets to move on with someone ‘safe’ while I’m stuck processing all this intensity alone.

But deep down (deep deep down), I know this suffering has a purpose, even if I can’t see it yet.

This current separation of mine is the one that awoke me to the journey. I read about twin flames once in 2015ish but not minding our connection is of that kind. For context; I moved to their primary school in a different class, then we became classmates in junior high.

Like what you said, for me it felt like wanting to pull a sword or an arrow out from my heart chakra. I often fell to my knees and curled on the floor while grabbing my head from the Cringe Things I Did That Made Them Leave.

This whole “am I a horrible friend?” search lead me to karmic relationships and eventually back to twin flames.

Fortunately, I am very young by TF standards (I was 23, now approaching 26) to let time soothe the pain by figuring out adulthood. I actively seek new friendships, communities and work after separation, hoping for soulmates along the way.

It’s natural to have doubts and feel disconnected at times (especially if you are in a no-contact situation), but remember that your bond with your twin flame exists beyond physical presence or social media activity - trust in the deeper connection you share, even when it’s not visible on the surface.

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I don’t know if I have a different experience of separation pain than you guys, but this is my 2 cents…

Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. That intense pain you’re feeling? It’s like your mind desperately tries to pull you back into your old self. Meeting your twin flame kinda shakes up everything you thought you knew about who you are.

Suddenly, you’re seeing yourself in someone else, and it’s both amazing and terrifying. The pain can feel overwhelming like it’s consuming your whole world. But here’s the thing - you don’t have to fight or ignore it. It helps to sit with and acknowledge those feelings but try not to get swept away. It’s all part of the journey, as cliche as that sounds. Just remember, you’re not alone in this mix of emotions. Hang in there, and be kind to yourself.

NGL, I started practicing mindful breathing techniques to manage the physical symptoms during separation. Focusing on slow, deep breaths helped me calm my racing heart and alleviate the chest tightness. It’s a simple practice, but taking a few moments each day to center myself made a big difference in how I handled the emotional turmoil.

It might help if you share more details of your own story here (I’m all ears if you want to talk to someone).

There’s something compelling about hearing someone else say, ‘Yeah, I’ve been there too.’ It can make you feel like you’re not crazy, you know? And who knows, you might even pick up some new ideas for handling the separation. Just my two cents, of course.