Solar Plexus Pain for Twin Flames?

Is anyone else experiencing this intense burning sensation in their solar plexus? (It’s driving me crazy!) I swear, every time my twin flame is nearby, even if I don’t see him, I get this weird hot feeling and always entirely in my solar plexus. It doesn’t happen any other time or with anyone else.

What does this mean?


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

If you have physical symptoms, it might be a spiritual meaning, but don’t take the risk. If in doubt, talk to a medical professional. Take care of yourself everyone.

This area is your personal power center chakra.

When twin flames are physically close, their energy fields naturally try to merge and harmonize - this can create intense physical sensations, especially in the chakra centers.

The solar plexus is particularly sensitive because it relates to your sense of self, willpower, and personal boundaries. When your twin’s energy field comes into range, it can trigger this center as your energies recognize each other and attempt to balance.

Think of it like two magnets coming into proximity - an automatic pull and an energetic reaction.

The intensity often decreases as you become more energetically balanced with your twin. If it feels overwhelming, you can also set healthy, energetic boundaries while maintaining your connection.

I’ve felt that intense solar plexus sensation too - for me, it helped to practice deep belly breathing and grounding meditation whenever it flared up, which seemed to calm the energy and make the connection feel more balanced.

I love how our bodies can act as spiritual antennas, picking up on energies we can’t see?

When we feel that burning, it’s as if our very souls are crying out for alignment. Perhaps the proximity of your twin flame highlights areas where you need to reclaim your power or reassess your boundaries.

I’ve had something similar in my solar plexus when my twin is around - it’s like this intense warmth that spreads through my core. It feels like our energies are syncing up, and our connection is strengthening.

He mentioned it too once, I noticed he clutched the area when we met and he didn’t know what was going on.

It sounds like something is blocked between you and this is your chance to work through that blockage and make an actual change. These symptoms happen for a reason.

For me, it feels like a mix of excitement and anxiety, almost like my body is preparing for an energetic collision that never quite happens.

oh wow I totally get that burning feeling too its like my solar plexus is on fire whenever my twin is around even if I cant see them its like our energy bodies are syncing up and communicating on a deeper level you know what they say the heart wants what it wants

You’re picking up on his energy because you’re in tune with him.

Here’s a little tip that helped me when feeling overwhelmed by those energy sensations: Try visualizing a golden bubble around yourself. Imagine it’s filtering out any intense energies while still allowing you to stay connected. It’s like creating a cozy, protective space for yourself without completely shutting down.

This way, you can tune into those vibes when you want to but also have some control over the intensity. Give it a shot and see if it helps you find balance!

After feeling this myself, I had some energy work done but I’m not sure if that’s good or bad. I still have these intense solar plexus feelings… calmer now? I wouldn’t call them pains so much as sensations.

The person who did the energy work said I might be an empath and that’s why they felt so strong to begin with, might be the same for you.

I’ve noticed that intense solar plexus feeling with my twin flame too, and it got me curious about the science behind it. I started exploring biofeedback techniques, which help me understand and regulate my body’s reactions better. It’s interesting to see how my physiological responses change when they’re around.

Maybe try using a biofeedback app to track your body’s reactions and see if it brings any unique insights?

I have gotten this quite often. After research I settled on it meaning (if not from you, yourself) when your TF knows what he should do, but does not do it.

When I’m already going through something and I feel it, its usually because I feel like I’m failing in some way.