Struggling with Twin Flame Chart Calculations

I’ve found that calculating twin flame charts can be deeply personal and intuitive. While free online tools exist, they often miss the subtle, energetic connections, but I don’t think I’m good enough to do this for myself. Is anyone able to help me with my chart?


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Twin flame chart calculations can be complex and deeply nuanced. It can be fun to learn yourself but I’d be careful taking advice from just anyone here. You can feel free to DM me, but really going into the details of a chart is pretty time-consuming.

Getting real help can help ensure accuracy and reveal subtle connections you might miss. The personal nature of twin flame charts often requires specialized knowledge to interpret correctly.

I tried to understand the basics, but it got… tricky. Some of the basic free online tools may be good starting points but they don’t really give you any useful information. You have to spend a lot of time putting in the work to make any sense of them if you do it yourself.

You could try using your own internal guidance and let it guide you if you don’t want to use a proper service.

Just a chart by itself is pretty to hang on the wall but doesn’t tell you much. Either an astrologer in person who understands twin flames (and I don’t just mean thinks it is another word for soulmates) or a service like Twin Flame Collective.

If you’re going to do the calculations yourself, really put in the time and then start doing it for the rest of us please!

I struggled with chart calculations too, but meditating on my connection and journaling my intuitive insights actually revealed more about our dynamic than any online tool ever could.

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I haven’t bothered with chart calculations - too much time, fuss and trouble. Meditating and journaling is enough for me and is extremely insightful.

Self-study is like trying to map the stars with the naked eye. Sometimes, an outside perspective can help us see things we’ve even been ignoring.

I do the same with Tarot, I’d rather not let my own internal bias (that we all have) get involved.

I like Twin Flame Collective for twin flame-specific stuff, but for general synastry stuff, is pretty solid. Just head to their synastry section and plug in both your charts. It’s surprising how much you can learn about your connection that way. I was impressed by how accurate it was for me and my twin. It helped me understand why we click so intensely in some areas but clash in others.

Just remember, the charts are a guide, not gospel. Trust your gut too!

You might start by looking into Eros and Psyche in your synastry charts. I was initially skeptical, but when I saw my Eros aligned with my twin’s Psyche in the same sign, it clicked. The feelings described by others with this alignment matched my experience perfectly. It’s not just about the typical 5-degree conjunction rule; with Eros and Psyche, even wider orbs seem significant.

Just be prepared - the similarities you might find to your own journey could be surprising.

Would not know where to begin on this but if anyone is doing them I would be interested!