Subliminals & Affirmations for Twin Flames 💞

I thought we should have a place to share the subliminals or affirmations we use for the twin flame journey. I think these can be one of the most powerful tools we have.

I’ll get us started and these are some of the affirmations from my journal that I used back when I was in complete no-contact separation. Now that we are spending time together again (and still taking things slow) I use slightly different ones.

  • “Our relationship transcends all distance; I feel your presence in every breath I take.”
  • “I honor the desire within me as a sacred reflection of our love.”
  • “Even in separation, I trust that our bodies are destined to reunite.”
  • I release all doubts and fears about us.
  • Our love story is so beautiful
  • Our energies are magnetic
  • I am drawing you closer. We are destined to be together.
  • “I embrace my feminine energy, knowing it empowers and strengthens our bond.”
  • "I can feel your touch and warmth as if you were here now.

Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

I love this.

I also changed mine when separation ended, but I still use different ones every single morning. Powerful drivers to shift reality and change circumstances. Triggers moments of connection and mindfulness I don’t get with anything else.

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Audio tools are incredibly overlooked, whether you make your own or play something like this in the background.

Great advice. Not to be slept on.

Thank you for sharing yours! I always feel like they are personal things but I know a bit of your story so I’ll use these! :heart:

Does anyone else leave videos like this playing on a loop? I feel like they sink in subconsciously when I’m just doing other things.

Thank you for sharing your affirmations! I personally prefer them to subliminals because I feel they are more mindful.

For me, writing love letters (even if unsent) while burning sage helped me feel closer to my TF.

I found affirmations to be a powerful tool during my separation phase. One that really resonated with me was, ‘Our love transcends time and space, guiding us back to each other.’

I do affirmations every morning. It keeps me grounded, focused and I think it is probably the cause of the biggest shifts in ending separation for me.

LOL, tbh those affirmations are fire! I’ve been using similar ones and they’ve totally helped me stay positive during separation from my TF.

Those affirmations are beautiful - personalizing them to reflect your unique connection and journey can make them even more powerful and meaningful.

My favorite that I use all the time: ‘I am whole and complete on my own, and our connection only amplifies that wholeness.’

Try recording your own voice-speaking affirmations and listen to them as you fall asleep - this can amplify the emotional resonance, and it only takes a few minutes; you can use a recorder on your phone once and play it every night. Or use a video like the OP shared.

Aligning my chakras, especially the heart and crown, amplifies the power of twin flame affirmations. I like subminals sometimes when I’m falling asleep but affirmations are more mindful and I think that makes them more powerful for creating change.

I have a practice every morning in the mirror. I repeat a new affirmation that calls to me for the day. Today, I used “Our souls are eternally connected.”

Then I visualize a golden cord linking our hearts while saying this amplifies the energy :sparkles:. For me, affirmations work best when I say them out loud with conviction when I first wake up.

While affirmations can be helpful, focusing too much on them actually increased my anxiety about reunion. Instead, I’ve had more success with meditation and self-improvement, which naturally drew us closer without the pressure. Maybe try balancing affirmations with activities that help you feel grounded and at peace on your own.

Thank you I will try this too…

I started with affirmations but moved to scripting. Something about putting pen to paper and writing it down made it a more mindful practice.

I incorporated scent-based affirmations into my daily routine by pairing specific essential oil blends with my twin flame affirmations. Each morning, I apply the chosen fragrance to my wrists and repeat my affirmations while inhaling deeply. Throughout the day, I take quick sniffs of the scent on my wrists to reinforce the affirmations and maintain a sense of connection.