I think everyone uses Tarot cards differently, so I’m looking for general advice and opinions here.
What spreads or questions have resonated most deeply with you personally? How do you balance the desire for insight with avoiding predictions about your journey’s future?
Has anyone experienced synchronicities in their readings, like pulling cards that align with your or your twin’s zodiac signs?
The problem I found with asking questions myself was that it was just too easy to subconsciously lead yourself into questions that suit you.
Rather than asking what darkness I need to look for, I would ask what light is in my path before me.
Not by choice… It just happened slowly over time.
So I would have someone else do a reading for me, or if I was going to do it myself, I would use a tool like this. Removing my ability to lead myself and using cards specific to twin flames at the same time.
The tarot is a tool, and your intent and how you use what it tells you matters more than how you lay your cards on the table.
The tarot is always personal, but there are some common patterns. I like the Celtic Cross spread and I try to ask questions (like @heart-over-head said) about the potential or where I should focus, not that future.
I’ve had moments where a spread perfectly reflected my twin’s zodiac or current situation, which felt special, but I try not to read too much into it. Mostly I use the cards to gain insight into my own healing journey and what I need to work on to move towards union.
I’ve found the most insightful spreads to be simple 3-card pulls that focus on the past, present, and future. I know some cards have astrological overlaps, but I never looked deeper into it. I might go back and do that, I keep a tarot journal since separation started…
I hardly ever read my own cards. I usually have friends who are mediums and readers who are energetically connected to Spirit pull cards and validate what I already feel or know to be true.
Some cards that show up frequently when asking about where he is on his journey have been the tower and hermit carda lately, which make sense to me because he has been quiet since almost two weeks ago and i feel that he’s now questioning all he thought to be real and true.
For myself, i do have a twin flame deck that i will pull one or two cards from if i feel called to do so–very rarely–and it usually makes sense to me when i pull the specific cards.
Our zodiac patterns seem to show up in every spread I do myself, but similar to @Pranava, I prefer to have spreads done for me to remove my own personal bias.
Approach the reading with an open mind and focus on asking questions about the potential and authenticity of your connection.
With that said, ask the cards about spiritual growth, mutual healing, and shared purpose rather than just asking, “Is this my twin flame?”
The cards cam reflect your current energy - if you’re confused, the reading may mirror that uncertainty so trust your intuition and inner knowing and, if in doubt, work with a reader that knows you and the TF journey.
The twin flame reunion isn’t always about asking questions sometimes you just need to trust the journey.
If you do feel compelled to ask questions, I’d suggest focusing on self-reflection rather than seeking external validation. Something like “What can I learn from this connection?” or “How can I grow from this experience?” might be more insightful than confirming whether someone is your twin flame.
Sometimes, talking to the Tarot can feel like having a heart-to-heart with an old friend. So, using it for your twin flame journey means being completely open and honest with yourself (and that can be harder than you think). Keep a journal about your spreads and other than that, I wouldn’t worry about the exact questions or spreads you use.
I had this reading where the cards mirrored a dream I had about my twin—a strange mix of comfort and déjà vu . It was less about predicting and more about understanding the emotions I hadn’t fully acknowledged .