Trying to explain the TF Concept

Hello my fellow frequencies …

So, I’ve been discussing my TF situationship with a social worker at my work. I’m a very educated, articulate person and although this has been a somewhat mind bending, spiritually challenging yet heartwarming journey this far … I really dislike the ambiguity toward me and my “mental state” and that “perhaps I don’t know up from down and I’ve been under a lot of stress lately “ kind of response. I understand it’s a very rare occurrence the TF connection & I’m aware there’s many who are closed minded towards the issue - I used to be one of them! However, I am not insane and I do know up from down!
:woozy_face: :roll_eyes: :blush:


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Ah yes. Trying to avoid getting looked at like a crazy person.

The challenge of explaining this connection to others, especially professionals, often leads to well-meaning but misguided concerns about mental health. While traditional relationship dynamics can be easily understood and categorized, the twin flame experience operates on a fundamentally different level.

The key is recognizing that you don’t need external validation or understanding. Your journey and experiences are valid regardless of others’ ability to comprehend them. Many professionals are trained to view intense emotional experiences through a clinical lens, which can feel dismissive of the profound spiritual aspects of the twin flame connection.

Rather than trying to convince others, focus on your own understanding and growth. The twin flame path is about inner transformation - external validation or skepticism doesn’t change your truth or experience.


When I first tried explaining my twin flame connection to others, I got a lot of skeptical looks and suggestions that I was just stressed or confused. But over time, I learned to trust my own experiences and intuition, even if others didn’t understand. At the end of the day, this journey is deeply personal, and only you can truly know what you’re experiencing in your heart and soul.


This has been perhaps the most traumatic problem for me because ultimately I CAN’T explain the concept to anyone I know. What happened was my awakening kicked in in September 2023 and I had absolutely no idea what was happening to me other than I had somehow reconnected with my twin via 5D after many years. 2 months later I discovered the whole twin flame thing and immediately tons of questions were answered. Just one snag - I have a job and my work colleagues had known me for nearly 4 years and literally overnight they watched me change before their very eyes and it freaked them out, not least a sudden and dramatic drop in weight along with weird behaviour as my entire aura changed. I kinda knew something spiritual was going on and then when my chakras opened up… chaos. I had to “explain” something to my work colleagues so told them I was going through spiritual symptoms. I had various web pages ready to back me up but they all looked at me as if I was clinically insane and it was suggested somewhat unsubtly that I was “mentally ill”. This was BEFORE I discovered what twin flames are. So, what are the chances that my work mates would begin to understand my twin flame status given their reaction to my awakening? Zilch so have had to stay silent about it.

A year has since passed and my colleagues and I no longer get along like we used to. I’ve changed so much and they feel the distance as much as I do. They know something major has happened to me but they cannot comprehend what or why. They’re alarmed too how over 2024 the distance has widened and in early 2025 I’m leaving the job to relocate to a different city, a place I don’t actually like nor want to go to but I “know” its where I need to be and its utterly impossible to explain that to them which in turn makes them think I’ve completely lost the plot.

It’s perhaps the most isolating experience of my life. It’s weird because on the one hand, I know my twin is within me 24/7 and in the main, I take comfort from that but on the other hand, it’s cost me my job, friendships and current home and I have absolutely NOBODY I can talk to face to face about any of this. Thankfully I write a journal and have done for many years so that’s helping me stay on an even keel but it really has been a gut-wrenching experience and dilemma on many levels, the cruncher being if people can’t get their heads around spiritual awakenings, then there is no hope in hell they’re gonna be able to accept any kind of explanation of twin flames.


Stay rooted in your truth and let your experiences blossom naturally.


Most people will never understand this … they aren’t ready for this in this lifetime and aren’t spiritual or evolved enough
For a select few there is a determination to see liberation from social hypnosis/ conditioning… they have been conditioned and can’t understand something like this


Trying to explain this connection to someone who hasn’t experienced it can feel like speaking a foreign language.

Maybe try sharing some specific examples of synchronicities or unexplainable moments you’ve had with your twin that made you realize this was different from a typical relationship - those tangible experiences can sometimes help bridge the gap for skeptics.


TBH, explaining the TF concept to normies is like trying to describe colors to someone who’s colorblind, LOL. IMHO, instead of getting all technical, just share how it feels - the intense connection, synchronicities, and emotional ups and downs that come with it.


Personally, I don’t bother trying to share my TF relationship with anyone any more - the word ‘schizophrenia’ has been mentioned with a warning that I may be sent to a mental institute and I wouldn’t want that label stuck with me. Luckily, I have discovered this forum to share TF stuff and other TF groups I can talk to and share my experience and I’m fine with that.


I understand your frustration - it’s like trying to explain the intricacies of a butterfly’s metamorphosis to someone who’s never seen a cocoon. Your journey is as real as the changing seasons, even if others can’t perceive it yet.


Everyone understands love and relationships from an outdated 3D karmic perspective or maybe a soulmate type situation. Most people still don’t understand we are mirrors for each other and we are here to help each other evolve. I stopped trying to explain years ago. They literally cannot comprehend what a divine counterpart connection is or its purpose.


Oh honey, I feel you! I once tried explaining TFs to my therapist and she looked at me like I’d grown a second head. Maybe next time, just tell your social worker you’re experiencing an intense “cosmic connection” - it sounds less woo-woo and more sci-fi chic. At the end of the day, we know our truth, even if others think we’ve lost our marbles. Keep your head high and your energy higher!


It can be super frustrating when people don’t understand or try to rationalize our tf experiences away. it’s often better to keep the tf stuff to myself or only share with others who get it, rather than trying to convince skeptics.

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Most people are far from being all that open to spiritual concepts and tend to understand things from a more scientific perspective.

The best way I was able to have someone understand this concept is by describing my twin as a “mental copy” of me.

Of course many are scheptical as it sounds like something out of a sci fi novel.

However, given how many of the things that were described in the those novels as far back as the 1800’s have actually been invented and are in use today, it really isn’t something all that impossible. :wink:

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I’m so sorry to hear this as your experience. I’m involved in work that supports people working through mental health and my experience is that they are some of the most amazing and pure honest individuals I’ve ever met. The TF journey can be consuming at times so I understand the need to want to talk to it out. That’s how we “problem solve”. Reach out if you ever want to talk, judgement free :pray:

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:joy: :heart: it!! Intense cosmic connection!! That’s exactly what it is :pray:

Hi, thanks for sharing. I am new to this (or any) forum and find it so unbelievably soothing that there are other people with this ‘dilemma’ out there.

Your journey sounds intense, sudden and lonely. I can only imagine the pain and sorry to hear it. I am currently in separation and live with a constant gut churn and brain that feels like it’s on fire. Which will get worse as he tunes back into the connection.

Can I just share with you that I have only just today had an experience of truly and for the first time explaining my ‘twin soul’ life with my daughter, who happens to be a soul-mate. I think without her I would have gone stir crazy by now in life in general. Although 21 years my junior, she is an old soul and always has my back, even if she tells me home truth and doesn’t agree with my behaviour. She always backs me.

However, today I tried to explain to her why I can’t just break the tie with my (now) ex. I really tried to explain it but I could tell that with the best will in the world did she just not understand. Bless her, she at least said she will ‘google it’.

My point being, that even trying to share our path with a soulmate connection, I still felt that she did think a little bit ‘my mum has finally gone crazy’. So I get your notion of ‘who da hell will every understand this’.

Stay strong, live your life to the fullest, all my love.

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Thank you. It’s funny because today is proving to be an intense one having just purged a LOT of stuff in my journal about what my twin and I went through 25 years ago. 2000 was the most intense year of my life on every level and they had entered my life in summer 1999 and I was thoroughly confused by them and the way I felt about them. Now of course it all makes perfect sense but also can see how back then, she actually KNEW we were twins but like most of us here, hadn’t heard of twin flames so had no idea why there was/is an intensely powerful bond between us which in turn led to more confusion on my part which bounced off onto them and the mirroring push/pull games went on right till the end of 2006 when finally they ran. The sad thing was, they had nobody else to talk to about it and neither did I. Because neither of us were able to confront our own feelings for each other let alone to each other, the pushing and pulling grew worse and spiralled out of control. I did try and talk with some of my pals about it but… you know how it is so I gave up and felt more isolated as did my twin.

I will say that 2025 has gotten off to an intense start. We have been in separation since 2007 but the connection right now is powerful and off the charts. It’s very enlightening and revealing. My heart chakra is in a permanent state of heat, many tinglings and odd sensations… it’s ramped up enormously since this year started so am taking that an encouraging sign as of course I love and miss my twin dearly and here’s the thing - the reason we failed to connect back then was because as much as we loved each other, neither of us loved ourselves enough to enable us to unite. That’s an important lesson I’ve learnt since I awakened and realised we are twins about 14 months ago.

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Thank you for sharing. Your experiences resonate with my own and I’m sure many others on here.

It is the realisation of and putting in practice the ‘loving and healing yourself’ part, in order to achieve union with twin flame and in turn our twin undergoing the same realisation and process so this can be successful.

I think the paragraph above is my most learning from my short time on this forum. And it has clearly been a big part of your journey. Be proud of yourself that you had this awakening and ability to heal.

Seeing as my own journey is currently only 4 years in, albeit very intense on the push/pull and far too ego minded - often on my part - for my liking (I feel I should know better but can’t practice my usual spiritual learnings with TF so easily), it humbles me deeply to think what a painful journey this has been for you and how many isolating moments you must have endured.

I truly hope this year will be what your chakras and heart are currently indicating, a door will open and you can experience a very positive shift with your twin.

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