Twin Flame Climaxing (Orgasm from a Distance)

Last night, I swear my DM reached out to me from across the country. I woke up in a state of pure bliss, feeling his energy coursing through me like electricity. Instant climax. He made me orgasm from a distance. Has anyone else experienced their twin flame connecting with them so intensely from a distance, or am I just imagining things?


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My twin did make astral love to me in the summer of 2023. It was actually juste a couple days after she asked for no contact, which was on the day of our wedding anniversaryā€¦

Psychics told me it had something to do with me being on her mind a lot and missing me and all, but that it was unconscious from her. Like, something do to with the intensity of the emotions.

But let me tell youā€¦ I never experienced anything like this. It was like I was in her bed, and she was going down on me, but I could not really see the background and I was very consciously knowing I was not sleeping and I was not imaging any of this. And I could even feel the presence of our dog in her bed even though I could not see him. I felt him cuddling next to meā€¦

She was SO real. Her body, her eyesā€¦ As real as if we really were in the same room. Except, the room itself was blurry, like a mix of my room and her room or something.

And everything she was doing to meā€¦ Well, I could feel it just as the real thing. And yes, I did orgasm from this.

I think it was, for me, one of those things that made me say ā€œOK, maybe this whole twin flame thing is realā€¦ā€

I actually joined PTF and the Collective in the followimg days/weeks of that summer.

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Wow, thatā€™s an incredibly intense astral experience! The blurry mix of rooms and feeling your dogā€™s presence adds such vivid detail.

I wonder if sheā€™s felt a similar experience like that.

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What youā€™re experiencing is related to the shared energetic field. This intense sensation isnā€™t uncommon, but itā€™s important to understand whatā€™s really happening.

When you feel these powerful physical and sexual sensations, itā€™s actually your own activated fear-based energy manifesting in an intense way.

These experiences can feel incredibly real and powerful because you and your twin flame share the exact same soul energy but they might not be them actually reaching out. It could be manifestations of your own energy that needs to be balanced.

The goal isnā€™t to chase or feed into these intense energetic experiences, as powerful as they may feel. Instead, focus on:

  1. Recognizing these as manifestations of unbalanced energy
  2. Not attaching meaning or stories to the experiences
  3. Working on balancing your own energy rather than focusing on the physical sensations
  4. Staying present with yourself rather than projecting outward

While these experiences can feel amazing, theyā€™re often signs that more energy balancing work needs to be done.

The path forward is through balancing your own energy rather than getting caught up in the intensity of these connections.

Itā€™s a testament to the power of the twin flame bond that it can manifest in such vivid, sensory experiences even across great distances.

Hereā€™s my go-to for grounding yourself when these intense, energetic experiences happen: Try the 5-4-3-2-1 sensory exercise! Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste.

This helps bring you back to the present moment and your physical surroundings. Itā€™s a great way to balance your energy and stay centered when youā€™re feeling overwhelmed by intense sensations or connections.

Wow, thatā€™s an incredible experience you had! I donā€™t think everyone has experiences quite that obvious unless theyā€™re intentionally trying to, but youā€™re certainly not alone in this.

The physical distance doesnā€™t seem to matter much with twin flame energy. Our souls are connected on a whole other level beyond the physical. So feeling your DMā€™s presence or energy that strongly, even to the point of climax, is totally possible. Itā€™s something you can intentionally train for if you really want to.

These profound experiences are part of the twin flame journey. They remind us of the spiritual nature of this connection and push us to explore our inner selves more deeply.

Our souls are recognizing each other, even when our bodies are apart. Cherish these moments - theyā€™re a beautiful part of the twin flame experience. Just remember to stay grounded and focus on your own growth too.

Iā€™ve seen this kind of energy firsthand, including sexual energy and even spontaneous climaxes. These experiences can be really powerful and unexpected. Sometimes withā€¦ interesting results.

They often happen when weā€™re particularly aligned energetically with our twin so itā€™s good news if youā€™re feeling it.

Itā€™s easy to get caught up in the energy, but try not to fixate on the physical aspects or expect it to happen all the time. The twin flame journey is about spiritual growth and unconditional love, after all.

Iā€™ve experienced something similar - it felt like my twin flameā€™s energy was pulsing through me from across the country, leading to an intense climax. While itā€™s hard to explain rationally to myself, I didnā€™t even try to explain it to my friends around me.

I did talk about it with my DM, though. He felt something similar but I think it weirded him out the first time.

Was I the only one who didnā€™t experience any of this at first?

I had to follow Carlaā€™s session on remote sex for twin flames to feel something like this but once it started it became an almost every night thing.

OMG, yes!!

Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night feeling his presence so strongly; itā€™s like heā€™s right there with me. Even if we donā€™t actually do anything, itā€™s pretty intense.

Like the Lovers card come to life, where you can feel your twinā€™s energy flowing through you from afar, leaving you tingling all over and bursting with blissful sensations!!!

Oh my gosh, YES!!! Iā€™ve totally experienced that incredible long-distance connection with my twin flame too - itā€™s like our souls are synced up on some cosmic level and the energy just bursts between us, no matter how far apart we are physically!!!

Cool to see others having experienced this. Helps me think Iā€™m less crazy, lol (though, if this stuff is crazy, who wants to be sane, amiright? :rofl:) It was nightly for me for 5 months until just recently when I couldnā€™t give in to it anymore because he also has a GF (i felt them tooā€¦.) and he ignored me more and more in real life. Both of which shattered my belief he loved me as well. It started feeling like this was the only thing he cared about with me.

I very much miss it. Some of the best experiences of my life. We had so much practice it felt pretty dang real (starting from a meditative state), and the Oā€™s and the intimacy, as mentionedā€¦. :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: Like nothing in the world. Best part is I felt so close to the ā€œrealā€ him. And the love I felt for and from himā€¦. Just :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Iā€™ll always remember.

All I want is to continue, but Iā€™d need something from him for my heart to believe the love I thought he had for me (the more you trust their love, the better it is) .It would take so little from him. But Iā€™ve given up that heā€™ll choose to take that next step and so what can I do :woman_shrugging:

Girl, I feel you! My twin and I have such an intense psychic connection, I sometimes can taste what he had for lunch - and letā€™s just say his ā€˜energyā€™ isnā€™t the only thing that can make me tingle from 1000 miles away, if you know what I mean.

In quiet moments of meditation, Iā€™ve felt my consciousness expand and shift, touching areas where the boundaries between souls blur and merge. In these ethereal spaces, Iā€™ve experienced the most profound connections with others, including my twin flame. Our souls move and intertwine effortlessly, communicating without words and sharing sensations that ripple through our earthly bodies.

While this soul-deep communion is possible with many, the natural ease and intensity I feel with my twin flame is unparalleled - itā€™s as if our very beings recognize and call out to each other no matter the physical distance.

Most of these encounters leave me breathless and yearning, forever changed by the depths of love and understanding Iā€™ve glimpsed in those precious moments of unity.

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Whoa, my twin flame literally invaded my dreams last night and we had cosmic sex on Saturnā€™s rings!

The first time it happened, dream-him actually asked if I was comfortable, which was sweet. Back then, I had no clue about the whole twin flame thing, I just knew we had a deep connection. Now I think about whether itā€™s our higher selves trying to reunite or just good old-fashioned lust. Who knows if heā€™s somehow initiating these steamy encounters or if itā€™s all in my head. Either way, these dreams leave me feeling both exhilarated and confused about our bond.

Waking up in bliss was my norm for years, I thought I was just lucky! For most of my teen years, I was waking up right in the middle of a climax, and I thought this was normal, and everyone did it.

When I first met my TF, I told them about it and turns out they had the exact same thing.