I tried cutting cords with my twin flame, hoping it would speed up surrender. Honestly, it just made me feel more anxious and disconnected. The pull towards him actually intensified, like my soul was desperately trying to reconnect what I’d severed. Looking back, I think accepting the connection and working on myself would’ve been a gentler path.
Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.
A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart
I think cutting cords with your twin flame can feel like trying to untangle a big ball of Christmas lights - it just makes everything more knotted and frustrating, but focusing on your own growth and self-love is like adding more twinkly lights to your own beautiful tree. <3
I really dislike this damaging social media trend of “cord-cutting”.
You cannot cut energetic cords with your twin flame because you share the same soul energy - it would be like trying to cut yourself in half.
I don’t know who came up with this idea, but I want words.
What you experienced afterward - the increased anxiety and stronger pull - was your fear-based energy intensifying as it tried to regain control. This energy operates on push-pull dynamics, so the more you try to force separation, the stronger it pushes back.
The key isn’t to fight against or try to sever the connection but rather to balance your internal energy. When you work on settling your own energy without focusing on the twin flame, the intensity naturally subsides.
This happens through self-work and allowing rather than forcing.
The deep soul bond between twin flames can’t be cut or severed - it’s a permanent, energetic connection beyond the physical.
What you experienced is exactly what everyone experiences when they try and do something like this. It’s like trying to separate two powerful magnets - the force pulling them back together only grows stronger.
Maybe they manage to fool themselves short-term into thinking they’ve somehow shortcutted themselves into the surrender stage, but it won’t last.
When people talk about “cord cutting” with twin flames, they’re referring to clearing negative energy attachments and healing wounded dynamics.
Where you should be focusing instead:
- Clearing fear-based attachments
- Releasing codependent patterns
- Healing past emotional wounds
- Setting healthy, energetic boundaries
- Developing inner wholeness
Your instinct about accepting the connection and working on yourself is spot on. The twin flame journey is about growth and integration, not separation.
Consider energy clearing and chakra balancing instead of cord cutting - this helps transmute the heavy energies while preserving the pure soul connection.
Self-work is indeed the key. Shadow work and energy healing, not cord-cutting. Allow rather than force. Align and ground your chakras. Practice surrender (don’t expect to just ‘be there’) and cultivate patience. Embrace the connection while focusing on your own spiritual evolution.
The twin flame journey isn’t about separation. It’s about integration.
When we try to cut cords, we’re fighting against our own essence. Instead, let’s shift our focus to personal growth and energy alignment. Imagine your energy field as a garden. Cord cutting is like trying to uproot the entire garden. What we really need is careful pruning, nourishment, and tending.
This allows the beautiful, core connection to flourish while clearing away any weeds of fear or negativity. The goal isn’t to sever but to elevate. As we raise our own vibration through self-work, we naturally harmonize with our twin’s energy. It’s not about forcing change but allowing transformation.
It was 2 years after my twin ran when I seriously considered cord cutting as I felt trapped in Hell as my life had completely fallen apart and I felt haunted by her and wanted rid, wishing we’d never met. I didn’t know anything about twin flames or cord cutting but did ask around asking if it was possible to remove somebody from one’s mind and heart, a sort of exorcism process but my health grew too perilous so instead carried on suffering and eventually managed to start living life without my twin. Eventually I reached a point where she was gone completely from my psyche and life became boring and bland drifting absolutely nowhere. As far as I was concerned, my twin was history, banished to the past. Little did I know!
I eventually awakened and during my journaling, I slowly began to realise that in spite of what I thought and believed, my twin NEVER went away and actually was playing a hidden part throughout those darker years of my life. I’d made a few life changing decisions that seemed irrational but through journaling could see how it all linked together towards my awakening. So, I never went through the actual cord cutting process and I’m thankful I didn’t. The big lesson I learnt through forgiveness is that my twin and I are connected permanently whether we like it or not. We both fought against our connection whilst trying to connect during our years in 3D and now… we’re gently floating back to each other having made peace in 5D.
So I am of the firm belief it is impossible to cut that cord as sure, you may go through a few years or so believing the cord is cut but eventually you realise it cannot be severed.
It’s like trying to outrun your own shadow - no matter how fast you sprint, that pesky connection is always right there with you.
Your story reminds me of those infomercial products that claim to solve all your problems - ‘Cord-B-Gone! Cut those twin flame ties for just $19.99!’ Spoiler alert: it doesn’t work, and you might end up with some weird cosmic infomercial karma. But seriously, your realization that the connection was working its magic even when you thought it was gone is beautiful.
Trying to cut cords with your twin flame is like trying to uproot half a tree - it only causes more pain and instability. Instead of severing, it’s better to nurture the connection like tending a garden, allowing both of you to grow and bloom in your own time.
I totally understand where you’re coming from because I’ve been exactly there. During my second separation, I tried a cord-cutting ceremony I saw online, and it really backfired.
Just makes the connection feel more intense, so maybe focusing on self-growth and acceptance might be a more effective way forward.
Maybe the cord-cutting ritual actually strengthened your connection by making you more aware of it?
It’s like trying to push away a boomerang - it just comes back with more oomph. Fighting the connection only made it roar louder, like my soul was throwing a tantrum. Embracing the journey, warts and all, and focusing on my own growth ended up being way more effective than any spiritual scissors.
I’m a little familiar with this, as I tried EVERYTHING to be free of my connection, including this, but cord cutting will not work, except perhaps temporarily, as the energetic flow between twins is permanent, and constant. When you cut it, it just grows back, because there is always new energy between the two of you to send.
The ONLY thing I’ve found that helps is to practice drawing your energy back to yourself. Thought = Reality, but you must believe it. So (if you try whats worked for me) with all your belief, imagine your third eye sucking back in your energy from Him/Her, and every other place it has been scattered. Imagine when it comes back to you it surrounds your soul, or inner child/truth, and instead of focusing on escaping the energy of another, you’re focused on asking “What do I need right now”? And how to make that thing happen. Maybe you have to do it every second at first, but eventually you see the energetic difference and can further focus on yourself, further separating yourself from your Twin. It also helped me to remember that focusing on myself = HELPING Him/Her.
Sorry if that’s unhelpful, but it’s saved my butt several times so I figure it’s worth mentioned
You can’t just cut the cord with your twin flame. It’s not that simple. Believe me, I’ve tried running, blocking, and moving, but that connection is still there, buzzing in the background like a song you can’t get out of your head.
We’re so quick to judge ourselves (and our TF journey) harshly, skip meals, binge on junk food, drown our sorrows at the bar, anything to numb that pull, but deep down, you know you’re just avoiding the mirror, avoiding facing who you really are. Flaws and all.
It is a journey of self-discovery as much as anything else, and sometimes it feels like you are going crazy, but maybe that is the point. Maybe we need to lose ourselves to find ourselves in the end
Tried it as well but quickly learned you can’t just cut that connection, no matter how much you might want to sometimes (and boy, have I wanted to).
I think the attempt might be one of the biggest signs of an actual twin flame. People with a karmic don’t want to get away from the connection like this, so that’s something to be happy about.
It’s like trying to sever a part of yourself (spoiler alert: it doesn’t work). Only a higher power could theoretically break that bond (and let’s be honest, that would probably mess us up big time). So, instead of fighting it, I’ve learned to just surrender to the process (easier said than done, I know).
A good valid point as when one does want to cut the cord we REALLY do because it seems like the only way to regain some peace and sanity… and those who have tried cutting have had to discover they don’t get any such things. It’s like screwing with nature - your twin’s your twin no matter what you do and if you refuse to accept them or reject them, you sure know about it.
Your Twin Flame is literally you. No cutting cords with yourself, LOL. Trust me, I’ve tried to run from this connection, and it’s like a cosmic rubber band snapping me back every time.
They’re like a walking, talking mirror of your inner self. The good, the bad, the ugly - it’s all there. The more you vibe with yourself, the smoother things go with your twin. Self-love is key.
When it gets too much (and it will), surrender to the universe and do your thing. Channel that energy into your passions. It’s surprising how focusing on yourself can actually bring you closer to your twin.
The closest thing to effective cord cutting is breathwork. It can help you manage tough times and energies without trying to hurt your bond.