Twin flame healing

How do I manifest healing thoughts for my twin? He’s going through this journey and dealing with some very heavy emotions and pain. I’ve been very sensitive to his energy. Crying randomly for several weeks which subsided substantially for a while. We’ve been in separation and no contact for over a year. I do send him my unconditional love and support several times a day. That’s all I can do. My intuition tells me this is not a time to reach out through a text or call. Advice?


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Something as simple as lighting a candle is enough to help them through their challenges.

Times of chaos and struggle are a natural part of the journey and the human experience.

And during those times its best to try to meditate and pray, wishing your twin the courage to change the things that can changed, the serenity to accept the things that cannot be changed, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Do not forget that nothing is ever permanent, and all things, both good and bad, do not last forever.

So don’t wish them an easier journey, pray for them to build the strength and resiliance to endure it!


You’re already doing the most powerful thing - sending love while respecting his space. Your energy work will help heal both of you, but don’t neglect yourself. You have work to do, too. Keep filling yourself with self-love.

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Healing directed toward your twin flame starts with healing yourself - as you heal, that energy naturally extends to them.

While sending love is beautiful and might help you feel better in the short term, don’t lose focus on your own healing journey.

:heart: I’ve been in a similar situation, and I know how hard it is to resist reaching out but I think you are doing the right thing.

Trust your intuition - if it’s telling you not to contact him, honor that. Keep sending love and healing energy from afar, but (like other people said) also focus on your own growth and healing during this separation. Remember, your twin’s journey is their own, and the best thing you can do is work on yourself and trust in divine timing. :sparkles:

@Scorpio, as usual, with advice you should listen to.

And @Stargazer is asking all the right questions.

I think we have a couple of threads about reaching out (or not reaching out), but however, it looks like, for you and your twin, healing is the right place to have your focus.

You’ll be doing the right thing if you keep authentically following that goal.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts.


When my twin was going through a rough patch, I found that sending healing visualizations during meditation helped me feel more connected and supportive…

Instead of trying to fix his pain, I worked on transforming my own, which seemed to create a ripple effect. Sometimes, the strongest connection happens in silence while you both have the space to transform yourselves.

While your compassion is natural, focusing energy on him actually reinforces the separation. Physical separation provides the space needed for energy work. Use this time to identify and release any fear-based patterns within yourself without focusing on his journey.

Sending healing energy through meditation and visualizing a bright light surrounding them has worked well for me. It might help with those heavy vibes :heart: :heart: .

Maybe try writing him little notes (just for yourself) or doing something creative that reminds you of him - it can be so uplifting! Trust your intuition on the no-contact thing. You’ve got this! <3

Has anyone used twin flame reiki?

Your intuition about not reaching out directly is spot on. The most impactful healing happens when you focus on your own inner work and maintain healthy energetic boundaries. While sending love is beautiful, make sure you’re not absorbing his pain - those tears may be your own unprocessed emotions surfacing.

Both I and my twin have. :person_in_lotus_position:

What was your experience like? I’ve used the reiki service offered on TwinFlameCollective a few times and am currently going through a hell of a healing crisis from one of their sessions.

Sending healing energy through visualization and meditation can be powerful ? - Imagining my twin surrounded by soothing light helps ease both our pain during separation.

We’ve all been there. I know that won’t take away from the feeling but just know that you are never alone in this.

I found that listening to a song that resonated with our journey helped me send him love through its melody. Music had a unique way of reaching the soul.