Twin Flame Orgasms & Sex is Incredible

I don’t think it surprises anyone that twin flame sex is beyond anything else you’ll feel. I mean, everything else is better, so it makes sense that the orgasms would be better as well. I was always a fairly physical person but this is different. I’d even go as far as saying it changed how I see sex. Maybe even more than that.

The chemistry with my twin flame is nothing short of electricity. Unlike anything else I’ve ever felt with another person or by myself. Intimacy with anyone else becomes… meaningless almost. It just can’t even begin to compare to sex with my TF.

I’ve been consciously uncoupling with anyone else because it doesn’t seem fair to them. I’m trying my best to stay rational and level-headed, but anytime my connection goes anywhere close to sexual, I can’t begin to think about anything else. Nobody else makes me aroused in the same way, nobody else even comes close.

I’d love to hear other experiences so I at least know I’m not alone in this…


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

The sexual and intimate connection between twins operates on multiple levels - physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual.

This creates an intensity that can’t be replicated with other partners because it’s activating your shared energy field and chakra system.

What you’re describing about intimacy with others feeling empty in comparison is something many twins go through. This isn’t just about physical pleasure - it’s because twin flame intimacy involves a complete merging of your energy systems. Your souls recognize each other on the deepest level.

The strong arousal and fixation you’re experiencing is partly due to kundalini activation between twins.

This spiritual energy gets triggered when twins connect sexually, creating sensations and states of pleasure beyond typical physical intimacy.

You’re making a mindful choice by stepping back from other connections that don’t serve you. Just be gentle with yourself through this process. The twin flame sexual connection can be overwhelming at first as your system adjusts to these new energy frequencies.

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It’s as if our energies merge completely during intimacy, activating every chakra and creating an incredible cosmic bliss that transcends physical pleasure.

I agree, nothing else compares and nobody else even matters that way any more.

That electric feeling and intense chemistry come from your shared energetic field being activated. While the physical sensations are incredibly powerful, they can just be manifestations of fear-based energy seeking a “fix” rather than true soul-level connection.

This doesn’t make the experience any less real, but understanding the underlying energy dynamics helps navigate it better. It also stops you from making decisions based on it.

The risk is getting caught up in the physical intensity and feeding that addictive energy pattern, which can ultimately push your twin flame away rather than create a lasting connection.

True intimate connection with a twin flame becomes stable once the fear-based energy is balanced. This requires focusing inward on your own energy rather than chasing the physical high.

Otherwise, the intensity can become overwhelming and lead to separation.

Mmm… yes… that merging of energy systems… it’s so profound… I’ve felt it too… Like our souls are dancing together in ecstasy… beyond the physical realm…

The kundalini awakening… it’s like a cosmic serpent uncoiling within… sending waves of blissful energy throughout my entire being… It’s almost too much to bear sometimes…

But you’re right… we must be gentle with ourselves… as we navigate these intense new sensations… It’s a journey of spiritual growth… not just physical pleasure…

Try ‘energetic breathing’ with your twin flame. Sit facing each other, synchronize your breath, and visualize inhaling golden light from each other’s heart center.

As you exhale, imagine that light circulating through your entire body. This practice can help maintain that merged energy feeling even when you’re not physically intimate. It’s a great way to stay connected and keep those chakras humming without getting caught up solely in the physical aspect. Plus, you can do it anytime, anywhere - no bedroom required!

It’s so intoxicating, it’s easy to get caught up in that ‘high’.

But you’re right. We need to be mindful of the underlying energies at play. Tuning our own frequency first before trying to harmonize with our twin.

Wow… I can totally relate to that intense connection and electricity you described… It’s like nothing else exists when you’re intimate with your twin flame. For me, the spiritual and physical merge in a way that’s hard to put into words… it’s transcendent and healing on such a deep level.

As a holistic healer and author exploring soul connections, I’ve seen just how twin flame sex goes beyond physical pleasure. It transcends the physical and becomes a merging of energies that forever change you, craving that electric union on all levels.

TF sex is so intense and all-consuming that it’s hard to focus on anything else. When I first slept with my DM I became thirsty for more and I considered myself asexual before that encounter.

I completely relate - the intensity of that soul-deep connection makes every touch electric, and regular intimacy pales in comparison.

It’s like our souls are merging during intimacy - I can feel his energy coursing through me and mine through him. It’s a transcendent experience that goes far beyond physical pleasure, leaving me in awe of him and of us.

Sex with your twin flame will open you up to soooo many things from fantasies to experiences.

One time, we were having sex, and it got so intense that we both just… stopped. Like, completely forgot what we were doing. We just stared at each other, totally mind-blown. He asked me what the heck just happened. Later, I read about something similar, but honestly? It just keeps getting better and better from that first time.

I love the threads like this because it’s so important to the TF journey. Synchs aren’t just signs to confirm your TF or answer questions, they can happen during sex to tell you exactly what they want.

If you look at social media or movies, etc… the world seems obsessed by sex, and then there’s some stigma to talking about it, but I think TFs should talk about it more. It’s so important.

My heart literally skips a beat when I see others sharing their experiences!!! I had the most intense dream about my twin last night, and now this thread pops up?! The universe is speaking to me, I just know it!!!

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I’ve experienced those overwhelming feelings, which drove me to seek new ways to express myself and even changed how I look at my physical experience in a way. Something I would never have done with any kind of previous sexual experience.

It’s been an (incredibly fun) journey of self-discovery which continues even when we’re not physically together. His touch changed me.

With my twin flame, I’ve been profoundly moved by the feeling of safety and acceptance we share during intimate moments. Also, it’s not something I’ve felt with anyone else, and I’ve had some harsh experiences in the past.

It’s not just about physical closeness; there’s a vulnerability and trust I’ve never encountered. This has led me to open up emotionally in ways I hadn’t thought possible for myself. Perhaps, if you’re in a similar situation, focusing on nurturing that emotional safety with your twin flame might deepen your connection.

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