The Twin Flame Runner’s behavior feels like a constant battle within their soul. Sometimes, he’s hot and messaging every day; other times, he leaves me on reading for ages and ghosts.
One moment, they’re drawn to you like a moth to a flame; the next, they flee as if their life depended on it. It’s like watching someone wrestle with their own demons, torn between the comfort of the familiar and the terrifying unknown of unconditional love.
Their actions can be infuriatingly inconsistent. Yet, beneath the surface, you can sense their internal struggle – a war between fear and destiny that rages relentlessly. Ultimately, it’s as if the Runner is caught in a cosmic tug-of-war, with forces beyond their control pulling them in opposite directions.
You’re not alone in this, it’s enough to drive anyone mad. Trust me, this up-and-down experience is just part of the journey to self-discovery and unconditional love.
The runners “figuring it out” happens gradually through their own inner work and spiritual growth. You can’t rush or force this process (as much as you might want to). The key is accepting that their journey is their own while focusing on your personal transformation.
You doing your work, helps them do theirs. Their inconsistency reflects their inner state, not your worth. Your stability during their instability often helps them eventually find their balance.
The hot/cold behavior manifests because:
Internal conflict between their heart and mind. Their soul recognizes the connection, but their ego mind creates resistance through fear, doubt, and societal conditioning.
Intensity management. When the energy becomes overwhelming, they pull back to the process. This withdrawal isn’t necessarily about you - it’s about them managing their own energy and emotions.
Self-protection mechanisms.
Fear of the depth of feelings
Feeling unworthy of such profound love
Guilt (especially if in other relationships)
Fear of losing control
Fear of judgment from others
And the hot/cold cycle just repeats:
They feel the pull of the connection
Get overwhelmed by its intensity
Retreat to their comfort zone
Miss the connection
Return briefly
Get overwhelmed again
This pattern continues until they work through their inner blocks and reach a place of self-acceptance. There’s no set timeline - each journey is unique.
Hot and cold behavior from a runner is totally normal, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating.
I do think they are aware of it but probably convincing themselves that they’re not the ones actually causing it. My own DM told me I was being inconsistent and I was stunned at first, but I think I understand what he’s going through more now.
Hey, I totally get where you’re coming from. I’ve been there too - one day they’re all in, the next it’s radio silence. It’s frustrating as hell, but try to remember they’re probably just as confused and scared as you are. Hang in there and focus on loving yourself through this - that’s the best thing you can do right now.
Oh, honey, I’ve been there! The hot-cold back-and-forth is exhausting, but it’s all part of what they need to go through to be ready for more. Your twin’s running is more about their own inner battles than anything you’ve done keep shining your light and trust that when the time is right, they’ll find their way back home to you.
I’ve been there, and it’s exhausting, but remember: their inconsistent behavior often reflects their own inner turmoil, nothing you need to do or worry about <3
My TF would go from hot to cold faster than a broken thermostat, LOL. IMHO, it’s their inner battle between fear and love playing out - they want you, but they’re scared AF of the intensity. Hang in there, focus on yourself, and remember: their hot/cold behavior says more about their issues than about you or your connection.
It’s not like I’m actively running away, but this fear creeps in. One minute I’m all in, the next I’m freaking out about how intense it all is. I catch myself pulling back, making excuses not to connect.
It’s not a conscious choice, more like an instinct. If anything, I would probably choose the opposite if I could.
I wonder if she feels this push and pull, too. Maybe we’re both running in circles around each other, too scared to meet in the middle. It’s frustrating because I want to understand and embrace this connection, but part of me still resists. I guess that’s what they mean by ‘runner energy’ - it’s not about physical distance, it’s this internal struggle.
The Twin Flame Runner’s journey is often misunderstood, even by those experiencing it (on either side).
In my own path, I’ve felt the pull to run - that overwhelming urge to distance myself from a connection that felt too intense, too raw. It’s not about rejection or lack of love but rather a deep-seated fear of losing oneself in the union. The runner isn’t running away from their twin but from the magnitude of what they represent.
It’s a pattern of approach and retreat, each step bringing both exhilaration and uncontrolled fear. The runner’s journey is also one of self-discovery and growth, a necessary part of the twin flame experience that ultimately leads to a stronger, more balanced union.
The running and chasing dynamic can be confusing, especially when you’re new to this intense connection. In fact, I don’t know if any part of this ever stops being confusing.
Sometimes, you think you’re the chaser, only to realize later that you’ve actually been running. It’s all about perspective. Pay attention to your gut feelings and unexpected behaviors - they often reveal more about your actual role in the journey than your conscious mind realizes.
Picture tuning a guitar, each string vibrating with potential energy. That’s the twin flame runner’s journey - tightening and loosening their connection, seeking the perfect resonance. Just as you’d pause between plucks to listen for the right pitch, they need moments of silence to process the intense spiritual vibrations.
If a runner’s actions trigger strong emotions in you, then it’s likely reflecting unresolved issues within yourself. If you find yourself anxious about their behavior, then try journaling to explore your own fears and insecurities. If you focus on self-reflection and personal growth, then you may find that your anxiety about their actions decreases. If you’re willing to look inward, then you might gain unexpected clarity about both yourself and the situation.
I experienced this last night. I had a surprise reunion with him in 5D last night, which made me feel so happy, only to suddenly feel a ton of negative energy pouring from him this morning No idea if is about me or not, but I wish it would just stay in the positive for awhile.
That seems to be the way it goes. Positive energy, then suddenly all negative. Then positive again, then negative. For me, each round ends up with the link between us feeling stronger, so I can only assume it’s just the way we are meant to heal. When they experience/explore their triggered wounds, they’re cold. When they heal them and find their way back home (to you) again, they’re hot.
And around and around we go. When will it end? Nobody knows
Darling, I sense that your energy centers are out of alignment, particularly your heart chakra. The runner’s actions may be a manifestation of a blocked root chakra, causing them to flee from deep connections. Your own aura suggests a tendency towards anxious attachment, likely stemming from an overactive sacral chakra.
Don’t worry so much about their actions if they’re not yet ready for union. Just focus on your own energy work and you’ll see them figure their own stuff out by themselves.
OMG mine called me erratic & inconsistent. When I told my therapist she had to help me see he was the one acting like that. I realize I refuse to tolerate this behavior. Love him so much and sending him good vibes but I don’t need that energy and refuse to have it in my life. Either you’re hot or you can’t talk to me.