Twin Flame Story: Universe Stuck Them Together Again

I love to share twin flame stories because it can help give some insight for others.

Plus… this one is just funny. Sometimes it feels like spirit has a sense of humour and is just making it too obvious. There are subtle signs we talk about and then… there are situations like this. Where the universe just locks you up together.

Just remember this kind of situation doesn’t always mean both of you are ready for reunion.

I finally ran into my twin on a train platform last night, after 8 months of physical separation. In that time, he had moved to the same city as me, but we had somehow managed not to run across each other. And the second we did, the universe conspired to keep us together like we were in some kind of sitcom.

We were on the same train, but were so caught up in the situation that we got on the wrong train and didn’t realize it until it was too late — and the next train back was 20 minutes away, after which we would have had to wait again to pick up the correct one. Since we were headed in the same direction, we agreed to share a Lyft home instead, only to be stymied at an intersection by a collision that was completely blocking the road.

Our driver couldn’t handle the situation at all and kept fumbling with the GPS and accidentally, repeatedly, turning around and then circling back to the scene of the wreck. It got to the point where I was howling with laughter, because it was so obvious. Eventually, we did get to my house for the dropoff, and parted ways with no touching at all. (We were intimate for about 18 months before the split.)

He told me he missed me constantly, but was still fully committed to taking time for himself. It was clear to me that he was just as contorted around his pain as he was when I saw him last, and that he knew it but had no desire to change — even framing it as virtuous, a hard-fought commitment to the third party. He (emotionally!) shoved me away with all his might, even when I told him how much the time apart had hurt. What the hell am I supposed to do with all this?

I don’t know exactly what was going on here - but it seems like maybe spirit put them together so she could see where he is in the journey. And, if we want to be brutally honest with ourselves, that’s mirroring where she is in the journey too.

The Unexpected Encounter

After 8 long months of separation, two twin flames suddenly find themselves face-to-face on a bustling train platform. Coincidence? I think not! The universe had clearly been plotting this meeting, and it wasn’t about to let them off easy.

A Comedy of Errors

What happened next was nothing short of a cosmic comedy:

  • Wrong train? Check.

  • Rideshare mishap? You bet.

  • Traffic chaos? Absolutely.

It’s as if the universe was determined to keep these twins together, throwing every obstacle in their path to prolong their time together.

The Emotional Rollercoaster

Unspoken Tensions

Despite the universe’s best efforts, the reunion wasn’t all laughs and giggles. Our narrator found themselves face-to-face with a twin who was:

  • Emotionally distant

  • Committed to running away

  • Framing their avoidance as virtue

Sound familiar? Many twin flames experience this push-pull dynamic, and it can be incredibly challenging to navigate.

The Inner Work Continues

After the story, the writer did say she had been working on herself.

  • Therapy

  • Yoga

  • Journaling

  • Meditation

Yet, they still find themselves at a loss. What’s a twin flame to do?

It’s impossible for anyone to say from the outside exactly what was happening here but just remmeber that your twin flame is always a mirror of yourself. If they’re not ready yet, neither are you. Maybe there’s part of your practice you’re missing or part of the work you need to do on yourself that you’re overlooking.

Or maybe they’re about to face a ugly work themselves and they just wanted to see you before they go through it.

The Twin Flame Takeaway

This journey isn’t just about your twin. It’s about you. The universe might be using these seemingly chaotic events to:

  1. Show you where you need to grow

  2. Highlight areas where you might be running from yourself

Embracing the Journey

As frustrating as it may be, try to see this experience as a gift. It’s shaping you into a stronger, more enlightened version of yourself. Keep pushing forward!

You’re not alone in this. The twin flame community is here to support you every step of the way. Trust the process and keep shining your light!


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

I can bet he isn’t forgetting this moment any time soon either.

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No… he might even be thinking about this story too.

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As a runner, I can relate to the intense feelings that come with unexpected encounters like this. It's like the universe is trying to push us together, even when we're not ready. I've had similar experiences where I've run into my twin in the most unlikely places, and it always leaves me... *shaken*.

I think these meetings serve a dual purpose - they’re not just about showing our twin something, but also revealing truths to ourselves.

It’s easy to get caught up in analyzing our twin’s behavior, but I’ve found it more productive to turn that scrutiny inward. What am I still running from within myself? What fears or insecurities am I avoiding? These encounters often bring those questions to the surface…

This. This is what is happening now.

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Yeah… I have seen that before. I know they believe it themselves because that’s just how they understand it.

Still sucks.