Hey everyone, I’ve been wondering lately about this whole destiny thing with twin flames.
Is it… guaranteed? Can twin flames fail to get to reunion?
Like, are we really meant to end up together, or is it just an intense connection that might not last? I’ve felt that pull towards my twin, but sometimes I worry we’re on different paths. What do you all think - have your experiences shown that twin flames usually find their way back to each other? <3
Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.
A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart
In the long term it’s destined. Always going to happen.
But that is the long term. In this lifetime… Reunion is not guaranteed, but the connection is still undeniable.
My DM and I have separated and come back together multiple times over the years, each cycle bringing new growth and understanding. Sometimes I consider if we’re meant to fully unite in this lifetime or if our purpose is simply to catalyze each other’s evolution.
I think if you make it this far, there is a very good chance it will happen. For now, I’ve found peace in focusing on my own healing and trusting that whatever happens with my twin is exactly what’s meant to be for both of our highest good.
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My DM and I have drifted apart and reunited several times. Each separation hurts, but brings growth. I believe we’ll end up together when we’re both ready, but I’m focusing on my own path for now.
I agree, I think union is a promise at some point. Whether or not it happens this time around is up to us.
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Hey there! I totally get your uncertainty - my DM and I have been through a lot too.
Not all TFs go through separation. Some have probably done the work in the past but we usually don’t hear from them because they don’t have to go through separation. They’re off having too much fun.
Separation is usually destined though. Our connection deepens even when we’re apart, like we’re growing together from a distance. It’s what union requires.
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With my TF, I’ve realized that the “guarantee” isn’t about ending up together, but about the growth we experience.
Maybe we get together physically in the 3D. We have got closer lately but I know nothing is promised. My twin and I have been in and out of each other’s lives and each time we seem to get closer.
So now, instead of stressing about reunion, I’m just going with the flow and trusting that whatever happens is pushing us both forward, together or not.
I believe that reunion is guaranteed for anyone who is far enough along their path to know what twin flame truly means.
That does not extend to the ones who just use the label or daydream about reunion. Anyone really following their spiritual path is always going to reunite with their mirror soul.
There are so many factors involved I don’t know if we can say it is destiny without really understanding free will vs destiny and whether or not we are applying that to the grand scheme of things or not.
Maybe reunion is destined in another dimension we can’t even imagine. Maybe it is destined in this lifetime.