What Happens to the Runner During Separation?

Has anyone else wondered what their twin flame runner might be going through during separation? When we go no-contact, I wonder how much they really understand and how much of this they feel, or it is all on me.

I can’t help but think about mine and imagine if they’re experiencing similar emotions or challenges. Sometimes, I catch myself daydreaming about their life, wondering if they’re happy or if they feel this pull, too. It’s driving me crazy not knowing, and I’m curious if others have insights from their own experiences.


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

Understand that the “runner” twin flame isn’t really running from you - they’re experiencing the same shared energy field, just from the opposite polarity.

While you may feel a push energy that makes you think about them constantly, they’re experiencing the corresponding pull energy that makes them withdraw.

This isn’t about their conscious choices or feelings - it’s about the fear-based energy that’s activated between you both.

They aren’t immune to what’s happening, but their experience manifests differently through that pull energy. Often, they’re actually struggling more intensely because they don’t understand why they feel compelled to distance themselves.

The solution isn’t to focus on what they’re going through, as that only feeds the push energy on your end. Instead, work on balancing your own energy and shifting your focus inward. This isn’t about their actions or feelings - it’s about your own energetic alignment.


Runners often go through intense emotional turmoil during separation, even if they don’t show it outwardly.

The running behavior typically stems from deep-seated fears and unconscious patterns, usually rooted in childhood experiences or past relationship trauma.

They might seem fine on the 3D surface level but runners often:

  • Experience unexplainable emotions and mood swings
  • Feel an inexplicable pull toward their twin but fight against it
  • Try to distract themselves with work, other relationships, or activities
  • Have dreams or spontaneous thoughts about their twin
  • Sense their twin’s emotions or energy, even at a distance
  • Deal with internal conflict between their heart’s desires and their fears

If you’re feeling an intense pull and emotional turmoil during separation, chances are your runner is experiencing similar feelings, even if they’re not consciously aware of it or ready to acknowledge the connection yet.

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In my experience, runners mostly struggle with a mix of confusion, longing, and fear during separation - they may sense the connection but struggle to understand or accept it fully. While we can’t know exactly what they’re going through at the time, there are former runners who have shared their experiences here and they all seem to agree.

They only understand this afterwards though.

OMG, this is so on point! TBH, I’ve been struggling with this push-pull energy for ages and it’s driving me cray-cray. IMHO, focusing on our own vibe is key AF. I used to obsess over what my runner was doing 24/7.

During separation, my runner experienced intense emotional turmoil and confusion, often feeling an inexplicable pull towards me despite their attempts to resist…

I can feel you even when you’re gone’ as Adele sings, and it’s so true during separation I swear sometimes I can sense exactly what my runner’s feeling, like this weird psychic connection even though we’re apart, it’s like their emotions become my emotions, and I just know when they’re struggling or having a breakthrough even without any contact

They don’t have it easy either, the runner just faces different challenges from the chaser.

Oh, the beautiful separation! What a gift it is to experience such profound growth and self-discovery. When my twin and I parted ways, I felt like I was being torn apart and rebuilt at the same time. It was excruciating, yes, but also exhilarating!

Those moments of questioning everything led me to uncover parts of myself I never knew existed. The absence of answers pushed me to look within and trust my own intuition. And you know what? I found strength I didn’t know I had.

This journey has been the most fantastic teacher of my life. The separation showed me that I am whole and complete on my own while also deepening my connection to my twin in ways I never imagined possible. It’s like the universe conspired to help us grow individually so we could come together even stronger.

I’m grateful for every tear, every sleepless night, and every moment of confusion. They’ve all been stepping stones to a more authentic version of myself. And isn’t that what this journey is all about? Embracing the chaos, finding the beauty in the struggle, and emerging as the truest expression of our souls.

Sometimes, I wish I understood what went through his head exactly.

As someone who practices mindfulness, I’ve found it helpful to stay present with my own feelings during separation rather than speculating about what my twin flame may be thinking or feeling. It’s easy to get caught up in assumptions, but focusing on my own inner experience has been more grounding.

Through meditation, I’ve noticed that the connection remains strong even when apart. Sometimes, I’ll feel a sudden wave of emotion or get a flash of insight about them. These moments remind me that our bond transcends physical distance.

While it’s natural to wonder if they care, I try to release attachment to any particular outcome.

The important word here is try. If only it was easy.

I’ve experienced both sides of the chase, and how the energy shifts is incredible. While running, I felt this exhilarating expansion, like I could conquer anything. There’s this secret thrill of knowing your twin is yearning for you - it’s a bit naughty but oh so empowering!

But then, the tables turned, and suddenly, I was the one chasing. It felt like the whole world was closing in on me, squeezing the air from my lungs. Yet, there’s beauty in this constant ebb and flow. It’s taught me so much about myself and our incredible connection. Even in the tough moments, I’m grateful for this wild ride and the growth it’s bringing.

God only knows. Their actions don’t seem to have any rhyme or reason sometimes.

In our sleep, our spirits intertwine like vines reaching for the sun. Even during separation, the runner knows that you’re connected and they use this to fuel their own growth.

I started picking up their hobbies to feel closer. It was funny, but learning something they loved made me feel like I was getting to know them better. It became a strange comfort to experience life from their perspective, even in small ways.