What if Your Twin Flame is Engaged?

I think we have a thread about your TF being married, but is it different if they are currently engaged to someone else?

I think I just found out my DM got engaged to someone and idk how to deal. He told me this wouldn’t happen and we just needed some time. It feels like my world’s falling apart, but maybe there’s a silver lining I’m not seeing?


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

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The first bit (that shouldn’t need to be said): if they are engaged, then step back and give them space. Don’t go getting involved.

I’ve been in your shoes, and it hurts like hell (trust me, I know). But here’s the thing - your twin flame getting engaged doesn’t necessarily mean game over for you two (life has a funny way of working out sometimes).

Focus on yourself and your own growth for now (easier said than done, I know). And remember, spirit has perfect timing - if it’s meant to be, it’ll happen when you’re both truly ready (even if that feels impossible right now).

It’s natural to feel devastated; I probably would.

But if this is your TF, it won’t matter in the long run. It’s just another part of your temporary separation. Use this time to focus on your growth and healing, trusting that if you’re meant to be together, the universe will find a way to bring you back to each other when the time is right.

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Aww, I know it hurts sweetie, but maybe this engagement is just another part of your twin’s path to realizing you’re their true love - stay strong and keep being yourself! <3 :slight_smile:

The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.

I had a similar moment, but it turned out they were not actually engaged. Still, when I thought he was, I almost broke. Looking back, that engagement scare was a catalyst for my own self-growth and healing.

Trust the journey. Work on yourself.

Oh, I’ve been there, and it’s gut-wrenching. Remember, though, engagements aren’t set in stone - how many times have we seen TFs break off relationships when the pull becomes too strong?

Maybe this will finally catalyze your DM to face the truth of your connection. Trust in divine timing and focus on your growth; sometimes, these obstacles are exactly what we need to level up spiritually and align ourselves for union.

In my experience, engagements don’t always lead to marriage, especially if they are with a karmic.

It might be they are going to learn something from the fake engagement. Maybe even the last lesson to learn before reunion.

Trust that this engagement is part of your twin’s journey and may ultimately lead them back to you - I felt devastated when my TF married someone else, but it ended up being a catalyst for our reunion. ?

Um, I think maybe engagements aren’t as final as marriage?

When my DM got engaged, I felt devastated, too, but then I realized it actually pushed us to confront our connection more honestly. We had conversations I was hiding from before. I don’t know, though. Every situation is different, so yours might not be the same at all.

You might have thought your TF’s engagement was the end of your story. But it was like a pause button for your life, giving you the space to explore new passions and rediscover yourself.