Have you ever wondered what it’s like on the other side of the twin flame journey? As chasers, we often dominate the conversation, but today, we’re flipping the script. Let’s explore the mind of the runner and the complexities that come with this role.
One of the biggest traps I often see is people getting stuck blaming the runner for their actions. As if they were actively trying to make things harder for both of you. So when I see a question like this, I’m pretty excited.
I had what I believe to be a taste of the runner perspective in a separate connection than my TF. I was wondering what runners go through in a connection of this level, as I was always predominantly the chaser (I think?). I also feel like a large majority here are the chasers just by the inquisitive nature and longing on the forum.
The Runner’s Dilemma: Head vs. Heart
One runner shared their struggle, revealing that their decision-making has always been a battle between logic and emotion. Breaking this pattern isn’t just challenging – it’s downright terrifying. They described their twin flame connection as:
Explosive and passionate
Filled with extreme highs and lows
A force that pulls them in, yet paralyzes them with fear
Despite having a stable life with a loving partner and children, the magnetic pull towards their twin flame remains undeniable. However, the fear of entering a potentially tumultuous union keeps them hesitant and conflicted.
The Internal Tug-of-War
Another runner painted a vivid picture of their experience:
Initial panic and avoidance when faced with their twin’s attention
Hiding behind a confident exterior while feeling internally shaken
Feeling ‘tied to a chair’ – wanting to break free but unable to engage
This runner’s journey took an interesting turn when the roles reversed, leading to a period of no contact. It’s a powerful illustration of how dynamic and unpredictable twin flame relationships can be.
Longing, Boundaries, and Growth
A third perspective sheds light on the complex emotions runners grapple with:
Deep ache during separation, fueled by love and desire for their twin’s growth
Temptation to reach out, countered by a commitment to maintaining boundaries
Never feeling repulsed, but rather hopeful, even in the face of challenges
These insights highlight the intricate interplay of fear, longing, and personal growth that defines the twin flame runner experience. It’s a journey filled with contradictions, where love and fear often coexist in a delicate balance.
Whether you identify as a runner or a chaser, the twin flame journey is ultimately about growth, healing, and unconditional love – for yourself and your twin.