I literally just passed my TF in a store & walked straight by me without even looking at me. Then, proceeded to drive straight passed me, even though I was standing there looking directly at him and he carried on as if I was nothing.
Wow … this is a new experience! I could see him and his internal struggle though … and he actually looked really terrible, as if he wasn’t sleeping at all.
How can I help him? How do I help him without hurting myself or threatening to upend my own healing - which I’m acing!!!
Man, that is so hurtful! Mine also behaves like I don’t exist But he is far away, so I can really only accept that I don’t.
But to be able to physically see your TF’s reactions to you, when he so blatantly ignores you like that, he may as well be screaming that you matter to him, and are on his mind . If he didn’t care he’d be treating you like any other person and would at least look at you. The fact you also feel his conflicted feelings pretty much confirms this. But still… to be ignored is so painful, sorry he did that!
As far as helping him, the TF journey seems to be perfectly crafted for each individual in ways we cannot fathom, and are not meant to directly interfere with the others journey unless called to. So I’d say the best way to help is to balance your energy to act as a lighthouse for him to find his way through whatever he’s struggling with.
Ugh this is the worst and so heartbreaking. I had this happen to me last weekend. I hadn’t seen my twin in 7 months and we’ve been in no contact for 2 months. Last weekend, I was at a restaurant and my twin was literally 2 feet away from me with his back turned and he walked right by me. We never locked eyes but I know he saw me. I was literally frozen when I saw him. Before I could get up to say hi, I saw him walk away. How can you be so close to someone one day and then the next day they can be so cold?
OMG, yes! When my TF looked through me at the market last month, I felt that exact same energy—like they were physically there, but their soul was somewhere else, fighting battles. Even though it hurt like hell, I could literally feel waves of exhaustion coming off them and knew they needed that space to process. Just keep doing your amazing healing work because honestly, they’ve got their own inner work to handle right now, and trying to help would probably overwhelm you both.
It suck’s when we can literally see them wear the mask but deep down we know they’re miserable. Unfortunately, this is their battle. You have to turn that desire to help inward.