This year August mark the second time we’re separating after a brief warm reconnection. I think because I know there are any possibilities of another separation, I will handle it with grace, but actually no separation is easy. After a brief warm rekindling with my twin, suddenly everything go sour, somehow he got angry and I don’t know the cause of it, and of course he decide to separate, said that it would be easier for me, and so on.
Am I disappointed? Yes. Am I angry toward him? at that time the answer is “No”. Days and weeks pass, people around us start wondering about our relationship. Stories and speculations about him come to my ears, and it’s not a positive one. Text messages between him and one of our co-worker talking about our relationship, prior to our separation, being showed to me by these one co-worker too. Then I feel those waves of anger reside within me.
I just read a topic in this forum, about how anger can be a fuel for your next ladder on this journey. I think I agree with that. It’s a raw emotion that we supposed to feel, to accept, to observe, to find the reason behind those anger and to heal that.
In time, when all my decision mostly being ruled by my emotion, especially this ‘anger’, I thought that everything is over. He put the line between us, so be it. It’s time for me to ‘unlove’ him, the ‘Him’ who doesn’t deserve me.
But, nobody knows what the devine has in store for us. My jumbling unstable emotion gradually toned down, I didn’t even know how and when it happen, I think journaling help me alot. I decide to block all my families, friend, coworkers energy that I feel overwhelmed and doesn’t align with mine. Start truly listening to what my heart want me to listen and to do.
It’s already 3 months after he draw a line to our relationship, and I already come to term with that. Of course there are no communication between us, he even avoid me at all cost, hardly see him around. But, that’s part of the journey that we need to undergo. There is time I doubt about the journey, and what is him to me. But, our energy could shift too, and the doubt disappear.
For now, I don’t have the urge or feel the necessity to contact him. Of course I missed him, of course I feel the overwhelmed feeling of love for him. Or, a sudden bout of sadness that coming from nowhere, and an unexpected vivid dream. At present we’re physically separated. In other people’s eyes we broke up. Deep down I don’t feel any separation, because I feel him together with me inside.
Like I said before, we don’t know what the devine bring for us. I know and believe that the journey has it owns purpose. If we’re suppose to be together, we will be.
Thinking excessively whether he is thinking about me, or whether he realize who we are, or do he done the work, or whether he even love me and want to be with me, won’t help us. It won’t bring us anywhere.
I love him. I miss him. There’s always this picture when we’re together again. But, right now most of the time I feel peaceful, of course there are days when I feel not that grounded, but we’re human, we feel the emotions.
Perhaps I already surrendering, perhaps I’m on my way surrendering. Who knows? They said surrendering is a state of being, somehow we won’t realize in what state we are. We just need to walk this path step by step, so the fog around us could disperse a little by a little too. Right?