Why 92% of Twin Flames Stay Separated (and You Probably Will Too)

I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but I believe it needs to be said, and if at least one person takes it seriously, they might actually benefit.

And if your instinct is to immediately believe you are not part of that 92% I think you need to hear this.

Let’s talk about some real statistics from twin flame research. While 91% report spiritual awakening after meeting their twin flame, only 8% reach union. Why? Because most twins get caught in cycles of obsessing about their counterparts instead of doing the necessary inner work.

I saw the numbers that tell the story yesterday:

  • 73% identified as female, 24% as male, 3% as non-binary/other.
  • The average age of the first twin flame encounter was the mid-twenties.
  • The average separation length was around two years.
  • 82% first met their twin flame unexpectedly when not looking for a relationship.
  • 68% experienced separation within the first year of first meeting.
  • 91% reported experiencing significant spiritual awakening after meeting their twin.
  • Only 8% reported being in full union (we’ll cover why that number is unusually low in a moment).
  • 5% were uncertain about their current stage.
  • 56% were in no-contact separation at the moment.
  • 31% were in communication but working through challenges.
  • Over 80% experienced some kind of telepathic communication or emotions between them and their twin.
  • 67% made significant life changes after meeting.*

These numbers tell us something that some of us probably already know. While the meeting triggers huge change, most people get stuck in patterns that prevent union. They focus on external telepathic connections and signs (80%) instead of doing the challenging inner work required.

Look at the separation statistics - 68% separate within a year, and the average separation lasts two years. Why? Because most twins spend that time obsessing about their counterparts, checking social media, looking for signs, and trying to ‘make’ union happen instead of understanding that union only occurs through balancing your own energy.

67% make significant life changes after meeting their twin flame, but only 8% reach union. Why? Because most of those changes are external - changing jobs, moving locations, and ending other relationships.

While these changes can be significant, they’re not the core work required for a union.

The ones who know what they’re talking about don’t just say do the work for fun. We keep saying it because it’s what you need to do if you want to be in that 8%.

The real work is internal - identifying and balancing your fear-based energy, aligning with your soul, and releasing the need to control outcomes. Until twins understand this, they’ll remain part of the 92% who stay separated, wondering why nothing changes despite all their external efforts.



Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

The high separation rate shows how this connection is about spiritual awakening first, romantic partnership second. These numbers demonstrate that meeting your twin flame is about spiritual awakening more than romantic destiny.

I don’t think what @Ellasi was saying goes against that… but if we want to have that romantic partnership as well, she’s right.

The source does point out that most people in union are less likely to be around still to answer a poll like that, but it also won’t have people who just gave up on their journey entirely.

It doesn’t take much to see just how long people get stuck in separation and that is a little frustrating for all of us.

A lot of these stats certainly fit me. I just hope to make it to that 8% in union before reaching 2 years.


Perhaps these statistics reflect how many are ready to embrace the intensity of merged energies fully. Not everyone’s soul contract includes physical union in this lifetime.

Maybe few of us are really meant to have a physical union this time. Maybe there is a reason the term is becoming more widely used, or maybe the true metric isn’t union vs separation, but how deeply we’re willing to face ourselves in the mirror our twin provides.

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I do think there is truth to this… most of us seem to focus on all the wrong things. Few ever seem to get anywhere.The statistics are sobering, but they don’t define your journey - your actions do.


I believe these statistics have a strong validity to them because they are quite realistic and are reflection of the state of the collective consciousness at the present moment.

As difficult as it is the hear, the truth is that only a small number of people in our lives will ever trully love us. Superficial connections are a dime a dozen. Just open up whatever flavour of the month dating app you fancy, and off you go.

Meanwhile, deeply felt and transcendental romantic connections are something very rare in this world. These are connections where individuals feel a strong and fulfilling emotional and spiritual bond. Finding real and genuine joy, happiness and fulfilment in it. They take a long time to find, build and develop.

So, out of both of these which one is likely to be chosen in this day and age? The one that’s quick, and easy to find, of course.

Because everything in our society today is focused on being faster and cheaper. And things that are built to be faster and cheaper are rarely built to last. So what happens? You get connections that are simply not built to last. Is it any wonder why people stop trying after a while?

As I have said before, morals, ethics, values, they go out the window when love is involved. Most people will easily sell their self-worth and dignity for a small crum of attention, admiration or appreciation. The lengths these people go to is trully mind boggling.

There is no quick and cheap way of achiving self mastery, integration of self and full enlightement and realization. Most people (myself included) would rather eat or drink themselvs to death then work on their own personal and spiritual development. Always falling under the illusion that tomorrow’s a better day to do so.

So please don’t lie or trick yourself into thinking you’re special. You likely are not, and that’s ok.

Because this is what this journey is all about. Learning to be happy with and within yourself, regardless of what happens.


Harsh… but fair. Probably what a lot of us genuinely need to hear now and then. Social media gets people riled up on the idea of being special but… why?

My own children said I’d marry my TF, in front of my wife. Only action matters to me. That said I’m not attached to any outcome. I’m letting God/higher power determine what happens. I love my TF and her son unconditionally. She’s my best friend and her son loves me.

This is where I become wary. Maybe just for the sake of lurkers reading, we should be clear that being disassociated from the end result is good… but if you’re just throwing your hands in the air and leaving it to a higher power you’re going to stay in that 92%

That’s a fantastic subject to debate on, but the purpose of this forum is to discuss twin flame connections, and this would be going off topic. I’m open to discussing this aspect privately though if you wish.

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Please stop and think about what you’ve just said, because this is akin to a win-at-all-cost attitude.

I will say again, do not sacrifice your moral or ethical values for love. Be it from your wife or your twin.

Remember that true love is built on a foundation of honesty and mutual respect, not on justifications for poor behaviour.


Maybe the fact we are here means we are the ones actually doing the work and destined for a relationship with our twins. We can only hope…


8% might even be high. I think I have spoken to only one or two who are actually with their DM.

“Statistics/Polls” can be skewed by so many factors. I tend not to put much faith in the numbers, but look for patterns instead.

Here’s what I see………

A group comprised mostly of 20-something-year-olds, whom believed they found their person, only to have that person run away, leaving them searching for answers (on the internet, of course!).

The percentage of married couples that separate, then later reconcile is around 12% and those that divorce and then remarry is about 6%. The 8% reaching union falls right in that range.

My point is; self-reflection and improvement are wonderful, but don’t loose sight of the truth

“If it is meant to be, it will be.”

It’s not your fault if you don’t get back together. It just wasn’t meant to be and that’s okay.

Those statistics really hit home for me. I’ve definitely been guilty of obsessing over external signs instead of doing the inner work. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but I think facing these numbers honestly could be the wake-up call some of us need to refocus our energy.

Those numbers… they really hit home… I’ve been stuck in that separation cycle for almost two years now… questioning if I’ll ever be part of that 8% or if I’m just fooling myself…

I don’t even know where to start…

Those stats are eye-opening, especially the 8% union rate. Maybe I’ve been focusing too much on external signs instead of inner work.

I’ve definitely been guilty of obsessing during separation.