Why Do I Feel So Much Anger Towards My Twin Flame?

Love and hate are two sides of the same coin”… Yeah right try telling that to my heart when it’s on fire with rage towards him the intensity of these emotions is overwhelming sometimes, I want to scream at the universe for putting me through this why does it have to be so hard can’t I just let go and move on, but no matter how much I try to push him away he’s always there in the back of my mind taunting me with what could be if only we could get past all this pain and anger.

Is it possible or normal to be angry at my twin flame or even HATE them?


Chart Your Path to Union
The path to union can feel lonely, confusing and downright painful.

A snapshot of the stars at the moment of your combined birth times can help us path your journey together: Get Your Twin Flame Birth Chart

I understand the intensity of that anger. I was there myself a long time ago. It might be a more common experience for twins than you might think.

That anger you’re feeling isn’t really directed at your twin flame - it’s your own fear-based energy manifesting as rage because it’s being denied its “fix.”

Think of it like an addiction - when an addict can’t get their substance of choice, they often feel intense anger.

The anger serves an essential purpose, though - showing you parts of yourself that need attention and acceptance. Rather than trying to suppress or ignore these feelings, allow yourself to fully feel them without acting on them. You can even set aside private time to really experience the anger - punch pillows, scream into them, write uncensored letters you’ll never send. The key is to feel it without believing the thoughts behind it.

You both share the same soul energy. The anger you feel toward them is actually anger toward yourself. As you learn to accept and balance these intense emotions without judgment, you’ll find they begin to transform naturally into understanding and, eventually, peace.


I’ve felt that anger too… it’s like a fire burning inside… but I’ve learned it’s just our souls pushing us to grow… to face our shadows and heal… the journey isn’t easy, but that intensity means you’re on the right path…

It’s part and parcel where twin flames are concerned as it creates the push and pull dynamics. What was striking about my twin was how she triggered anger within me that I never quite knew existed. It always felt to me like she was being evil and irrational but she was actually highlighting deep deated inner issues that I needed to deal with. I know I affected her similarly and let me put it this way, it seemed to happen automatically without my knowing it. I’d do or say something and quickly wish I hadn’t. We don’t set out to anger one another. We don’t sit there behind the scenes thinking of ways we can anger the other or orchestrate ways to anger them to gain a result… it comes up naturally. Of course it’s never pleasant but we learn more from the adverse than the positive. For years I held grudges, resentment and anger towards my twin after they ran and my life went deeper into despair. It wasn’t until I began realising I was the one with anger issues and able to transcend and learn from them that I was able to start moving forward again. I was MEANT to feel that anger and learn from it and I’m glad I did. No, it’s never easy or pleasant to deal with but at the end of the day, our twins are NOT harming or hurting us intentionally for evil reasons. It’s how we learn, evolve and develop to gain better balance within ourselves and with our twins.


That anger can be a catalyst for growth. When I felt rage towards my twin, it forced me to confront my shadows and insecurities. Maybe instead of fighting it, try sitting with that anger and seeing what it’s trying to teach you about yourself.

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I’d suggest that the twin flame experience is often more nuanced than a simple ‘activation’ of energy bodies. Encountering my twin flame didn’t instantly unlock anything. It was more of a gradual process of mutual growth and self-discovery.

The idea of misalignment between higher and physical aspects resonates, but I’ve found it’s less about stored negativity and more about learning to integrate all parts of ourselves. My journey involved confronting my own fears and insecurities, not just releasing ‘denser’ energies.

Union, in my view, isn’t a predetermined outcome but a potential for deep connection that requires ongoing work from both individuals. It’s less about cosmic forces and more about two people choosing to grow together despite challenges.

I’d say the real work begins after that initial recognition as you navigate the intense emotions and personal growth that the connection catalyzes. It’s a deeply personal journey that looks different for everyone.

This speaks to the profound chakra activation that occurs between twins. The anger you experienced likely stemmed from an imbalance in your solar plexus chakra, the seat of personal power and self-esteem.

Your twin’s presence acted as a catalyst, bringing these dormant energies to the surface for healing. The ‘push and pull dynamics’ you describe are often reflected in the fluctuations of the twins’ auric fields. As you work through these intense emotions, you may notice shifts in your energy body - perhaps a warming sensation in your heart chakra or a tingling in your crown as you gain new insights.

By acknowledging and processing these lower vibrational emotions honestly, you’ve likely cleared blockages in your chakras, allowing for a more harmonious flow of life force energy. This internal balancing is crucial for aligning with your twin on a higher spiritual plane.


I don’t know your exact situation but I would assume you hate the triggering they cause and that is SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.

I’ve learned to see them as signposts, pointing me towards the parts of myself that need healing. It’s like my twin is holding up a mirror, showing me my deepest wounds. We don’t want to deal with this but that’s the price we pay for such an important connection. It’s not about suppressing anything - it’s about acknowledging our humanity while striving for that unconditional love.

Remember, this intensity is temporary. You’re growing, evolving. Trust the process, but also be kind to yourself.

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You know, I’ve tried to hate my twin flame before, but it never sticks. It’s like my heart has some kind of built-in forgiveness system that kicks in no matter what. Even when they’ve pushed me to my absolute limit, there’s this weird, almost annoying, undercurrent of love that just won’t quit.

It’s frustrating sometimes because part of me wants to stay mad, but it’s like my soul knows better. All the drama and triggers? Deep down, I get that it’s part of our growth. It doesn’t make it easier at the moment, though! It’s a challenging journey, but somehow, that unconditional love always finds its way back.


For us, it’s been a mix of emotions, but I’m grateful for every moment :heart: Ladies, you carry this energy with such grace and power - it’s truly inspiring. Sometimes, I feel like I’m fumbling in the dark while he’s carrying the candle even if he can annoy the hell out of me in the process.

I’m learning to embrace the vulnerability that comes with it.

You might be experiencing echoes from unresolved issues, possibly even from past lives. That’s what anger seems to be for me most of the time, at least.

It’s like your soul is cleaning, bringing old hurts to the surface. Not everyone feels this the same way - it’s as unique as your fingerprint.

Some days you might feel like you’re drowning, other days it’s just a drizzle. But each time you process these feelings, you’re untangling knots in your heart. Eventually, you’ll find yourself smiling at memories that once stung. It’s a journey of self-discovery as much as it is about your connection with your twin flame.

When I feel angry, I try to ask myself why. This usually shows me the real source of the frustration.

That’s actually a common misconception. The opposite of love is not hate. It’s fear, just as @Ellasi said.

This why the connection commonly manifests into this runner-chaser dynamic. One of the twins is maddly in love, and the other is completely terrified.

Yin-yang, am I right? :wink: